My prolife work is mainly as a 40 Days for Life leader and I organize a group throughout the year that goes to Planned Parenthood once a week. Our work is mainly being a public presence outside with signs, offering help to those who ask for it and praying. I personally haven't been...
he left her and turned toward his sleep-place to do her bidding. Before entering his little recess, he looked back once toward that part of the cave where Mary knelt upon her couch in prayer, her back to him, her face toward the east. He saw the cave filled with ...
This letter is free for you to read, but it took time and energy to produce. If you’re interested in supporting the work of This Catholic Family, I would be honored if you would prayerfully considerupgrading your subscription. Or, you can alwaysbuy me a coffee here. Since beginning spir...
I know that prayer is an essential part of Christian discipleship. And I know that adoration of the Blessed Sacrament is our highest good as human beings. But these are high and holy actions for our faith life; what about things not as obviously related to our faith life, like putting ...
It also draws you so much closer to your spouse, and encourages challenging conversation, as you prayerfully discern each month. “Do we have a good reason to avoid pregnancy? Where are you at? Oh, you’ve been feeling anxious? You’re worried about our finances? I had no idea. Can ...
Novena for Adoration of the Eucharist- Eucharistic Adoration can be very fruitful for us. It can bring many graces to our prayer lives, help us grow in intimacy with Jesus in our lives, and can bring graces to others whom we pray for. ...
As you may know, President Snyder authorized the continuation of the Planned Parenthood Fundraiser which took place last night on campus in Roski. A peaceful and prayerful protest also took place, led by students, and joined by LMU faculty, parents, alumni, donors, and some Jesuits. ...
Spiritual activities include providing prayer literature for parishes, bringing leaders together for monthly prayer time, and the annual March for Life. Education activities include parish presentations on life issues, Natural Family Planning workshops, mailing national material to parishes and schools, ...
doesn’t presume an intention to prevent or avoid pregnancy. It isn’t a tool, like a hammer, that is really only good for one job. Instead of being some “thing” that should be used in one, proper way, NFP is just information that can be used however you prayerfully choose to use...
18’s in educational establishments, for reasons of needing to balance the needs of all the vulnerable pupils, but then goes on to distort the words of Pope Francis who has been pretty vociferous about gender ideology, especially in schools, and finishes up in a passive aggressive prayer. ...