I know that prayer is an essential part of Christian discipleship. And I know that adoration of the Blessed Sacrament is our highest good as human beings. But these are high and holy actions for our faith life; what about things not as obviously related to our faith life, like putting ...
Multiple videos recorded after a Saturday prayer vigil in St. Louis appear to show Black Lives Matter agitators assaulting Catholics who participated in the event. “Yesterday, while praying for peace and unity in our city and the protection of the St. Louis statue, Black Lives Matter protester...
“For the honour of the Blessed Trinity, the exaltation of the Catholic faith and the increase of the Christian life, by the authority of our Lord Jesus Christ, and of the holy Apostles Peter and Paul, and our own, after due deliberation and frequent prayer for divine assistance, and havin...
of course. And many preachers don’t even realize how their words wound. So for those who have the power to preach, this post is an invitation to prayerfully consider the realities of women’s embodied experiences of pregnancy
I struggled to let go of all my resentments…. our father prayer says that 'forgive our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us…... I pray this prayer every mass but don't actually fulfill God's will. In the past some people held biased attitudes towards me, some peopl...
One golden summer, as Rose leaves her childhood years, her grandmother and a heaven-sent friend teach her to bring everything in her life to God in prayer and to bring His Life into her own. She comes to know and trust Him deeply, especially when she discovers a carving made by her ...
I also think there is wisdom to be found in the fact that Jesus continues to make time to at least try to step away. Moving ourselves out from under the noise of the day to day, even for a little while, is beautiful, and it can be healing, especially when interwoven with prayer. ...
These forums are exclusively for single Catholics who are members of Catholic Match There are over 20 different forums (i.e. "Prayer & Support", "Dating & Single Living", "Saint Peter's Square", "Catechetics, Apologetics & Liturgy") with over 100,000 topics and millions of actual message...
Smokey Mountain Prayer by Angela Pisaturo Maggie MacDougal struggles to keep her practice afloat and her newly found Catholic faith in tact, amidst the turmoil of world war II and a very Southern Baptist community. A Chance for Moonlight (Chance for Promises Book 1) by Ella Dement Spring br...
Thirsting for Prayerby Jacques Philippe may be the most helpful book on prayer I’ve ever read. Like Father Philippe’sInterior Freedom, which I’ve read and consulted numerous times,Thirsting for Prayerspeaks to mind, heart, and spirit: all three, with a combination of eloquence and practic...