Define Old Catholic. Old Catholic synonyms, Old Catholic pronunciation, Old Catholic translation, English dictionary definition of Old Catholic. n. A member of an independent religious organization formed by a group of German Roman Catholics who refused
Hello, my name is William. First off I really want to provide big praise and thanks… for [the] dedicated work in addressing the crisis of this age. Anyone of good will must concede that the Vatican II sect is a pagan temple of Satan which has an almost infinite amount of heresies and...
defines religious freedom as an individuals right to not be compelled to act contrary to their beliefs (within due reason, meaning they can’t manifest public immorality). Vatican II is working off a different definition of religious freedom in respect to what Gregory XVI and Bl. Pius IX ...
Take the jab. Wear a mask. Do it until we tell you not to. How easy it was for the demons to steal the freedom and autonomy the people have always had... Many are waking up to the big lie, but it will likely be too late for some of them if they already took jabs one and t...
Aristotle.—Starting from the Platonic definition, good is that which all desire, Aristotle, rejecting the Platonic doctrine of a transcendent world of ideas, holds that the good and being are identical; good is not something added to being, it is being. Everything that is, is good because ...
This definition sets off the main characteristics of charity:- (I) Its origin, by Divine infusion. “The charity of God is poured forth in our hearts, by the Holy Ghost” (Rom., v, 5). It is, therefore, distinct from, and superior to, the inborn inclination or the acquired habit ...
These adherents have greatly affected the public and even legal definition of “who’s a scientist” to such a degree that alternative voices are religiously censored on campus and in the public square. Catholic American Thinker Vs. Scientism ...
Third, how should Catholic colleges and universities understand the strengths and limitations of the AAUP's definition of academic freedom? If Catholic colleges and universities ought to be "open circles," and neither secular nor sectarian, what do they need to do to remain Catholic?Palgrave ...
The definition given makes it unreasonable to deny the possibility of miracles, unless we also deny the existence of God. Usually, He works according to natural laws, and this for our good, since we should be unable to control natural agents and to make them serve us, unless we could coun...
Arts. 83 to 94 of the Civil Code refer to clergymen and religious, containing a definition of who are such; the qualifications necessary for the profession; their exemption from public services; the recovery of civil rights by religious upon their secularization, etc. The religious orders are ...