Define Christian. Christian synonyms, Christian pronunciation, Christian translation, English dictionary definition of Christian. adj. 1. Professing belief in Jesus as Christ or following the religion based on the life and teachings of Jesus. 2. Relating
Define Christian Democracy. Christian Democracy synonyms, Christian Democracy pronunciation, Christian Democracy translation, English dictionary definition of Christian Democracy. n the beliefs, principles, practices, or programme of a Christian Democrat
Even early on, Luther made a clear definition of Christian freedom and its limits. While The Freedom of a Christian focused on the spiritual tenets of Lutheranism, in 1523 Luther clarified the role of temporal power in Concerning Governmental Authority wherein temporal power and spiritual power ...
Freedom Britain has a history of religious freedom and tolerance. UK and European law largely protects an individual’s right to hold and manifest religious beliefs at work, although this is fast being eroded. Due to badly-written equality legislation, increasing numbers of Christians have been pen...
Guest host Jacob Winograd responds to a question submitted by a listener about whether Christians should take up arms in the service of their country or be conscientious objectors. He delves into the definition of conscientious objector and explains the military application process for those seeking ...
For instance, Thomas Jefferson is now widely known to have had children by one of his slaves, who by definition was in no position to consent to their relationship. Anderson’s idea that the church can now present itself as a beacon of light, hope and redemption to those recovering from ...
c. a virtue or excellence of divine origin: the Christian graces. d. Also called state of grace. the condition of being in God’s favor or one of the elect. See the full definition of grace on a synonym for grace is mercy: ...
The definition of man as the animal that laughs was common in Renaissance texts, of which Rabelais’ ‘... rire est le propre de l’homme ‘(Gargantua) is perhaps the best known example. Andreæ’s target here, however, is surely the use of the definition in Aristotle’s De partibus...
A good definition of lust would be to take something you desire and remove God and respect for others from the equation. It's often associated with sexual desires but can be something you crave that excludes God and others. Masturbation, in almost all forms, includes lust. How so? Because...
Define Christianized. Christianized synonyms, Christianized pronunciation, Christianized translation, English dictionary definition of Christianized. tr.v. Chris·tian·ized , chris·tian·iz·ing , Chris·tian·iz·es 1. To take over or adapt in the nam