The Maronite diocese, founded in 1906 to the detriment of that of Saida, is bounded on the west by the sea, on the north by the River Zaharani, on the east by the Jordan, and on the south by the Sinaitic peninsula. It has 10,000 faithful, 20 priests, and 20 churches; the ...
Bismarck fell from power in 1890 and since then the party has grown rapidly, and is now the strongest political body in Germany. In 1899 Edward Bernstein, who had come under the influence of the Fabians in England since 1888, started the “Revisionist” movement, which, while attempting to...
The fact that German Catholics, politically united by the Center Party, had defeated Bismarck's Kulturkampf- the "culture struggle" against the Catholic Church in the 1870s--constantly worried him. He was convinced that his movement could succeed only if political Catholicism and its democratic ...
“The character of Ultramontanism is manifested chiefly in the ardor with which it combats every movement of independence in the national Churches, the condemnation which it visits upon works written to defend that independence, its denial of the rights of the State in matters of government, of ...
The wave of liberal aspirations which rolled over Europe in 1848 left its mark on the Churches in Prussia. Paragraph 15 of the new Constitution read: “The Evangelical, and the Roman Catholic, Church, and every other religious society, orders and manages its own affairs independently (selbstst...
Still the number of Catholic churches converted to Protestant uses amounted to 240 in Great Poland and more than 400 in Little Poland, in addition to which the various sects had built 80 new churches, while in Lithuania, where Calvinism was particularly prevalent, there were 320 Reformed churches...
Church.' Ever since the schism of East and West, however, it has been an ambition of the papacy to submit the Oriental Churches to its jurisdiction, and successive popes have from time to time succeeded in detaching portions of those Churches and bringing them into the obedience of the Holy...
ELEMENTARY EDUCATION., An ordinance, dated April 18, 1871, and issued by Count von Bismarck-Bohlen, Governor-General of Alsace, obliges every child, on reaching the age of six, to attend either a public or a private school, unless equivalent provision shall be made in the family itself. ...
Pastor The Catholic Indian Mission (CIM) consists of five parishes and St. Bernard Mission School on the Standing Rock Indian Reservation in south-central North Dakota. We also serve the Churches of Sacred Heart in Solen, ND, and St. Philomena in Selfridge, ND. Together, we serve the spiri...
orders, holy[Lat.ordo,=rank], in Christianity, the traditional degrees of the clergy, conferred by the Sacrament of Holy Order. The episcopacy, priesthood or presbyterate, and diaconate were in general use in Christian churches in the 2d cent. In the Roman Catholic tradition a development, be...