The Roman Catholic Bismarck Diocese introduces Jesus Christ and God to the people of North Dakota in the United States. The Bismarck Diocese covers the Williston, Dickinson, Minot and Bismarck areas in western ND.
Cathedral of the Holy Spirit Catholic Church is located at 520 Raymond Street in Bismarck, North Dakota.
Cursilloof the Bismarck DioceseAbout Cursillo School of Leaders Donate to Cursillo of the Bismarck Diocese Diocese of Bismarck 2025 Cursillo Weekendsmen's weekend: march 6-9women's weekend: march 20-23 Men's Weekend Registration Women's Weekend Registration ...
Welcome to Church of Corpus Christi, a Roman Catholic parish of over 2,400 registered households in the Diocese of Bismarck. In order to build our community of worship, Corpus Christi continues to expand its Faith Formation programs, Ministries, and Organizations. ...
Looking for Bismarck? Find out information about Bismarck. Bismarck, city , state capital and seat of Burleigh co., S central N.Dak., on hills overlooking the Missouri River; inc. 1873. The trade center for a large... Explanation of Bismarck
Bishop Zipfel Will Lead Bismarck, N.D., DioceseBishop Paul A. Zipfel of St. Louis will become bishop ofBismarck, N.D., the Vatican announced...Patricia Rice PostDispatch Religion