In that year Bishop England published his catechism for his own diocese, and in 1825 appeared the “Catechism of the Diocese of Bardstown”, recommended as a class-book by Bishop Flaget of Bardstown, Kentucky. The author of the latter catechism was Jean-Baptiste David, coadjutor of Bishop ...
Mary’s College, Marion County, Kentucky. St. Mary’s was practically transferred to Fordham, and, as it had been incorporated in 1820 with all the powers of a university, the history of the present college must be considered to begin with its foundation in that year. Under such presidents...
Maryland Catholics began to emigrate to Kentucky in 1774, and in 1785 twenty-five Catholic families set out from St. Mary’s County for Pottinger’s Creek (see Kentucky). In the absence of reliable statistics it is difficult to ascertain the growth of the population in the colony during ...
Kentucky (26) Kenya (12) Kidnapped priest (28) kidnapping (21) Kidnappings (36) King Charles III (10) King David (8) King Henry VIII (8) Kingdom of God (6) Knights of Columbus (60) Knights of Malta (7) Krakow (10) Kyiv (14) La Civiltà Cattolica (14) Labor (5) labor day ...
Beyond the Atlantic, Irish had settled in Pennsylvania and Maryland, in Kentucky and Carolina and the New England states; Irish names were appended to the Declaration of Independence; and Irish soldiers fought throughout the War of Independence. Nor were soldiers and statesmen the only Irish ...
The Southern delegates held a convention at Louisville, Kentucky, in 1845, at which the “Methodist Episcopal Church, South” was formed. The new organization, after a period of progress, suffered heavily during the Civil War. Since then the relations between the Northern and Southern branches ...
Illinois, one of the United States of America, bounded on the north by Wisconsin, on the west by the Mississippi, which separates it from Iowa and Missouri, on the south by the confluent waters of the Mississippi and the Ohio, which separate it from Kentucky, on the east by Indiana and...
Church of Christ 1836 Warren Stone & Alexander Campbell Kentucky Seventh Day Adventist 1844 Ellen White Washington, NH Christadelphian (Brethren of Christ 1844 John Thomas Richmond, VA Salvation Army 1865 William Booth London Holiness 1867 Methodist United States Jehovah’s Witnesses 1874 Charles Taze ...
The boundaries are, North, West Virginia and Maryland; east, Maryland and the Atlantic Ocean; south, North Carolina and Tennessee; and west, Kentucky and West Virginia. The state contains one hundred counties. POPULATION.—The population of Virginia in 1910 was 2,061 612; whites, 1,389,...
I got a lift just outside of Columbus from a Catholic priest of the Archdiocese of Washington, D.C, and he drove me all the way to Kentucky. As I got into the car, after putting my backpack and banjo in the back seat, I asked him what he did for a living. He said: “I am ...