At Danville, in Boyle County, the Kentucky School for the Deaf is established, and near Louisville, in Jefferson County, there is an institution for the education of the blind. Indigent and afflicted children are received at these institutions and educated at the expense of the state. The ...
Flaget, who later became Bishop of Bardstown, and then of Louisville, and who, in 1848, was to receive in Kentucky the religious who left Melleray to found Gethsemane. About fifty miles from Baltimore, between the little towns of Hanover and Heberston was a plantation known as Pigeon Hill...
Mary’s, Emmittsburg, Louvain, and Rome, his career as pastor in Louisville, Kentucky, as orator, and as author had been marked by signal successes. The promise of his earlier life was more than fulfilled by the long years of his episcopate. Besides creating a new spirit in the Catholic...
The Southern delegates held a convention at Louisville, Kentucky, in 1845, at which the “Methodist Episcopal Church, South” was formed. The new organization, after a period of progress, suffered heavily during the Civil War. Since then the relations between the Northern and Southern branches ...
On December 15, 2009, Benedict-Ratzinger appointed William Medley as Newchurch bishop of Owensboro, Kentucky. Now it has been discovered that when Medley served as the Louisville Newarchdiocese's director of clergy personnel from 1989 to 1993, he transferred five presbyters credibly accused of sex...
Others again became recluses in the anchorages attached to Carmelite churches, and made profession under the form: “Ego frater N. a Spiritu Sancto ad anachoreticam vitam vocatus offero me, coram Deo, Patri et Filio et Spiritui Sancto, et promitto me in servitio Dei secundum Scripturam...
But in spite of all, he went on bravely visiting all parts of the State, building and encouraging the building of churches wherever they were needed, obtaining aid from Rome and from the charitable in Europe. He found but two churches in the city when he came; to these he added six ...