Fast - In general abstinence from food or drink. Read more about the practice of fasting and its origins from the original Catholic Encylopedia.
“In this episode, we are excited to delve into the mission and work of Paradisus Dei, an organization dedicated to helping families discover the superabundance of God. As Catholics, we know that the family is the domestic church, and a strong family is the foundation for a strong community...
The Ambrosian Church of Milan has also its own recension of the Psalter, a version founded, in the middle of the fourth century, on the Greek. (b) The Proper of the Season.—This portion of the Breviary contains the Office of the different liturgical seasons. As is well known, these ...
Amid growing disaffiliation from the Church, Catholic leaders across the country are striving to better catechize young people by lowering...Read more Pope Francis: Lent is a time to accept our fragility, rekindle hope in Jesus Mar 5, 2025 ...
The Mass is celebrated in Latin, the official language of the Roman Catholic Church, used as a liturgical language in the West since as early as the first century. The unchanging nature of the Latin language has preserved the orthodox doctrine of the Mass, handed down from the the Apostles ...
So, finding common ground, much as our forefathers and mothers all experienced in the early church, is a worthy goal for Sacred Art makers of today. Christian Renewal The renewal of the mind involves a transformation of the way a person thinks and lives, which can be achieved through the ...
Communion is by definition to be in union with God and with His Church, to be one in faith. To receive Communion, a person must be a practicing Catholic in the state of grace. Only an ordained Catholic priest, in the person of Jesus Christ, the High Priest, can ...
If by ‘ yoke’ an oppressive or unjust law is meant, then a new definition of the faith cannot possibly be so characterized; because all Catholics believe both in the supernatural infallibility and wisdom of the Church. There is no unfair exaction upon their intellect or will, for they know...
In matters pertaining to Christian Doctrine and Theology, this site is in obedient service to the Roman Catholic Church's Magisterial Interpretation of the Word of God and Magisterial pronouncements on the protected, unchanged and handed-on original Divine Revelation. The era of Divine Revelation Ende...
Discovering the truth, beauty, and goodness of God by creating and studying the sacred art of the Western and Eastern Rites of the Catholic Church.