Define Christians. Christians synonyms, Christians pronunciation, Christians translation, English dictionary definition of Christians. adj. 1. Professing belief in Jesus as Christ or following the religion based on the life and teachings of Jesus. 2. Rel
Define Christian holy day. Christian holy day synonyms, Christian holy day pronunciation, Christian holy day translation, English dictionary definition of Christian holy day. Noun 1. Christian holy day - a religious holiday for Christians quarter day - a
Your praying, fasting, caring commitment to your neighborhood or city sanctifies that community unto God. The influence of a godly church has a curing effect upon that which otherwise will soon decay. As we stand praying for our cultures, we are mindful of the many predators stalking our worl...
Ch 4. The Rise of the Roman Republic Ch 5. The Fall of the Roman Empire Ch 6. The Dark Ages Ch 7. The Early Middle Ages Feudalism & the Roman Empire | History & Events 8:09 Charlemagne's Holy Roman Empire | Definition & Reign 7:19 Christian Monasticism | History, Impact & Or...
A good catechism should conform strictly to the definition given above. That is to say, it should be elementary, not a learned treatise of dogmatic, moral, and ascetical theology; and it should be simple in language, avoiding technical expressions as far as consistent with accuracy. Should the...
A "savior" brings "salvation." But the Biblical definition of "salvation" is not just a short-term relief on the battlefield, but long-term liberty from archists. See the definition of the Hebrew word for "salvation," yasha, which we looked at above....
That definition absolutely aligns with mine for Christian mindfulness: living in the present moment with the presence of God. Sr. Joan has been a huge influence on me since 1990, when I read “Wisdom Distilled from the Daily: Living the Rule of St. Benedict Today.” At the time she wro...
Ecclesiastical law, which essentially tracks the definition of civil law, with the qualification that faith informs the ordinance of reason, must be in accordance with Divine positive law (while also, of course, not violating natural law). Ecclesiastical law moderates all manner of property and ...
Today only about 30% of American adults regularly attend worship, and a rising number of U.S. children are born outside of marriage. Here we see the ossifying of an identitarianism of sex in a global way, based on a consumerist definition of desire as based on lack rather than on ...
Jesus’ definition of blessedness is dangerous…but it is true blessedness. It’ living life in the kingdom now. It’s being an image-bearer of the King…being aneveryday disciple. pro rege This post is based on a sermon from our Everyday Disciple series: Songs of the Season. Download ...