【Pronunciation with Emma】英语连读-元音元音连接|Connected Speech vowel+vowel linking plsgsn 2599 0 05:05 【Pronunciation with Emma】单词末尾不发音的T和D | Silent T and D at the End of Words plsgsn 1194 0 24:17 【Pronunciation with Emma】英语连读 | 辅音辅音和辅音元音连接 plsgsn ...
Define Catenation. Catenation synonyms, Catenation pronunciation, Catenation translation, English dictionary definition of Catenation. Catenation. Translations. Italian / Italiano: congiuntura.
Pronunciation Emma 英音 【Pronunciation with Emma】Every Sound in British Pronunciation (RP) and Phonemic plsgsn 14:45 【Pronunciation with Emma】英语连读-元音元音连接|Connected Speech vowel+vowel linking plsgsn 26180 【Pronunciation with Emma】连读技巧 /j/音同化 | Assimilation with /j/ - Connected...
搬运自油管英音教学博主Pronunciation with Emma,Catenation | Consonant + Vowel Linking in English | Connected Speech(10.9)欢迎喜欢英音的小伙伴一起学习,后面会持续更新,欢迎关注知识 校园学习 英语 Pronunciation Emma 英音 plsgsn 发消息 人山人海里,你不必记得我...