6. Fatty acids are activated on the outer membrane of mitochondria • Fatty acids are converted to fatty acyl-CoA (a high energy compound) via a fatty-acyl-adenylate intermediate (enzyme-bound, mixed anhydride) by the action of fatty acyl-CoA synthetases (also called fatty acid thiokinase)...
and amino acids, is called catabolism. Large molecules include polysaccharides, lipids, nucleic acids, and proteins. Catabolism is the breakdown component of metabolism, whereas anabolism is the construction component. In order to create new polymer molecules or to further break down the monomers into...
The biosynthesis of fatty acids is a form of: a) metabolism b) catabolism c) anabolism d) hydrolysis Fatty Acids: Fatty acids are organic compounds consisting of a hydrocarbon chain with a carboxyl group at one end. Fatty acids are saturated if the...
In the digestion stage of catabolism, large, polymeric organic molecules are broken down into smaller molecules called monomers. For example, fats are broken down into individual fatty acids, proteins are broken down into amino acids, and carbohydrates into simple sugars such as glucose. This step...
itmustbedeesterifiedintofree fattyacids(FFA)andmonoacylglycerols(MAG)andcholesterol. Togetthemoutofthemucosaandintocirculation,viathe lymphatics,thelipidsarepackagedaschylomicrons.CMsare composedlargelyofTAGs,pluscholesterolestersandseveral proteins(calledapoproteins). Absorption 4-14 Liver ileum bilesalts 50...
3. The cell lacks genes to make one or more of the enzymes in the Krebs cycle ( genetically determined catabolism Fats are composed of fatty acids and glycerol Extracellular enzymes called lipases break down lipids into fatty acids and glycerol in Lipid catabolism each component metabolizes ...
? In animals, fat is stored mainly as triacylglycerols in specialized cells called adipocytes脂肪细 胞 or adipose cells. Degradation of Dietary Fatty Acids Occurs Degradation of Dietary Fatty Acids Occurs Primarily in the Duodenum Primarily in the Duodenum 十二指肠 西北农林科技大学 郭泽坤 Pancreatic ...
Protein catabolismduringRRTis not only caused by the loss of amino acids (proteins and other nutrients). As discussed above for iHD, anyextracorporealcircuit with protracted contact of blood components and the artificial surfaces induces obligatory phenomena of bioincompatibility, which can be summarized...
A metabolic pathway that can be either catabolic or anabolic depending on energy availability is called an amphibolic pathway. The glyoxylate cycle and the citric acid cycle are examples of amphibolic pathways. These cycles can either produce energy or use it, depending on cellular needs. ...
esterifiedwithfattyacids,the structureiscalleda triacylglycerol: Triacylglycerolsarethemost abundantfamilyoflipidsand themajorcomponentsofdepot orstoragelipidsinplantand animalcells.Triacylglycerols thataresolidatroom temperatureareoftenreferredto as"fats"andthosewhichare ...