Chapter17 TheOxidationofFatty Acids 1.Thegoodandbadsidesofusing triacylglycerolsasanenergystorage •Highlyreduced,morethantwiceasmuchenergyas carbohydratesorproteins(~38kJ/gvs~18kJ/g). •Highlyhydrophobic:doesnotraiseosmolarityof cytosol,noraddextraweight;butmustbe emulsifiedbeforedigestionandtransportedby ...
The catabolism rates of a medium chain fatty acid (octanoic acid), an even-numbered fatty acid (palmitic acid), and odd-numbered fatty acids (pentadecanoic acid and heptadecanoic acid) in mice were compared using stable isotope (13C) labeled fatty acids and isotope-ratio MS (IRMS). The ...
Role of fatty acid binding proteins and long chain fatty acids in modulating nuclear receptors and gene transcription. Abnormal energy regulation may significantly contribute to the pathogenesis of obesity, diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular disease, and cancer. For rapid co... F Schroeder,AD Petrescu,...
CarbonFattyAcids 4.UnsaturatedFattyAcids 5.OtherAspectsofFattyAcidoxidation 6.KetoneBodies TrendsinLipidConsumption Lipidconsumptionhasincreased •Luxury •Makefoodtastebetter •Satiation(providefullness) IntakeRecommended 40%ofcalories-mid1960s 36%ofcalories-1978 34%ofcalories-1990 Fat 13%saturatedfat ...
FattyAcidCatabolism •b-oxidationoffattyacidsisthefourstepprocessbywhichacetylgroupsarecleavedfromthelongchainfattyacidtoyieldacetylCoA.•Theacetyl-CoAfeedsintothecitricacidcycle,whichproducesCO2andreducedproducts,whichfeedtherespiratorychain,e-transport.FattyAcids •Typicallycomefromtriacylglycerols,ortriglycerides...
Fatty Acid Catabolism 脂肪酸的分解代谢 Fatty acids have four major physiological roles ? First, fatty acids are building blocks of phospholipids and glycolipids. ? Second, many proteins are modified by the covalent attachment of fatty acids, which targets them to membrane locations . ? Third, ...
fatty acid catabolismketone body formationcommon terminal oxidationlipoxidaseslower fatty acidsIntroductionβ OxidationAlternating β Oxidationα,β Dehydrogenation9,10 DehydrogenationLipoxidasesω Oxidation of Fatty Acids of Medium Chain LengthAttempt to Formulate a Comprehensive Theory Explaining Known Mechanisms...
3. Which of the following is true about the transportation of fatty acids into mitochondria? A. They are carried directly in their free form. B. They are converted into acyl-CoA and carried by carnitine. C. They are transported by glucose transporters. D. They are bound to hemoglobin. Ans...
The hydrolysis of PPi by inorganic pyrophosphatase for which deltaG is -19 kJ/mol, makes the overall deltaG more negative 17. The Beta oxidation of fatty acids begins with this activation reaction:R-CH2-CH2-CH2-COOH + ATP + CoA-SH-->R-CH2-CH2-CH2-CO-S-CoA + AMP + PPiWhat are the...
生物化学教学课件:lecture7 Fatty acid catabolism(脂肪酸代谢)