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In the CMBO optimization process, the population is divided into cats and mice; afterwards, the population members are updated in two phases, namely calculating the movement of cats toward mice and the movement of mice looking for nests to find shelter. This method generates a population matrix...
HAS=Hardened Aircraft Shelter 淬硬飞机护层 Cat指人."伙计,我要和那里的一群cats碰下面.我会回来的."现在的说法是dude. CATn. 猫,恶妇 vi. 呕吐 n. 计算机辅助教育,计算机辅助测试,计算机辅助翻译 (Computerized Axial Tomography) 层面X线照相术
Both were killed during a Japanese raid; a bomber scored a direct hit on the bomb shelter where my grandpa had put his entire family, including his close relatives. Apparently, grandpa’s thinking was that they should all stick together and if they all died, so be it. Exhumation at grave...