Put It on Paper: Lowering Healthcare CostsI was born in an air raid shelter under Bangsar Hospital, Kuala Lumpur. My mother and I scrambled to the docks in Singapore to try to get aboard a ship leaving for England. The trouble was that, in the "fog of war," nobody had time for ...
Health has been a topic of paramount importance and an integral part of fighting for one’s subsistence along with an overlapping with the search for food and shelter, and interestingly it has progressively superseded wealth as a topic of interest. Evide
Family institutions provide care for the elderly in the community, especially in terms of shelter, safety, provisions, healthcare, financial, personal assistance, and emotional support. The social support and care industries are also essential factors in enhancing the wellbeing of the elderly ...
Basic needs such as safe access to food, water, sanitation, shelter and healthcare services, may not be readily available to this population [6]. The physically and mentally agonising experiences associated with their forced migration and restricted or non-access to healthcare services in Malaysia...
How workers navigate these relationships has severe consequences for their well-being, due to how dependent they are on the person they care for to provide them with food and shelter. Building a solid relationship with the person in need of support has the potential to assist MCWs with ...