85. Paw print tattoo - 爪印纹身86. Cuddle time - 亲昵时间87. Whisker tickle - 胡须搔痒88. Kitten eyes - 小猫眼睛89. Furball fight - 毛球争斗90. Purr therapy - 咕噜疗法91. Scratch post - 抓痒柱92. Catnip frenzy - 猫薄荷狂欢93. Purrfectly content - 完全满足94. Cuddly companion - ...
Cat people (orhomo felis) are one of many types of variant humans found all over the world, though female cat people, colloquially known as “catgirls,” have a distinct mystique about them. (Dog-girls especially tend to resent this. The bitches.) This is in part because of a reputation...
This add-on can help cover the costs of vet-recommended euthanasia (even if related to a pre-existing condition), cremation, or to help pay for a commemorative item like an urn, framed paw prints, digital photo storage, and even a tattoo to help you honor and remember your pet. What C...
He is semi long hair solid gray, baby blue eyes are now yellow, big thick boned & bushy tail, wide paws with tuffs of hair on his paw pads lion collar. His name is Pookie. My daughter cat is a house guest for a few weeks, Pookie is on alert & a little scared of Gus. Gus is...
Her name is Luna Ferocity Shadow: she was rescued from a home where the other cats bullied her. A Child of the Secret, just like me and Kirsty. And we adore her. But honestly? Most of the people who called me friend, comrade or their shaman now fill me with nothing but a terrible...
A tattoo is soon to come, of course, too but since that is more about us and less about them, you will just need to visualize the Benny one in the bone outline with Henry's name and on the opposite wrist. Brothers forever. #RIPOBPPugs #PugsForeverStrong #AllPugsTogetherAgainSunday, ...