85. Paw print tattoo - 爪印纹身86. Cuddle time - 亲昵时间87. Whisker tickle - 胡须搔痒88. Kitten eyes - 小猫眼睛89. Furball fight - 毛球争斗90. Purr therapy - 咕噜疗法91. Scratch post - 抓痒柱92. Catnip frenzy - 猫薄荷狂欢93. Purrfectly content - 完全满足94. Cuddly companion - ...
Felicity Felicity, an acrobat from Cirque de Chat. Eris Moon, a tattoo artist who can actually draw kanji well. Melwin Oddeye, a stock trader. Himari Hazuki, sidekick to the host of “The Neko-Neko Happy Funtime Hour.” Koyori Yoshida, an exchange student. Taruto Matatabi, a bird-hunter...
(the island’s supurrvising Purrk Ranger catgirl and amphibious orienteering coach wearing theClouded Leopurrdcutout micro bikini): G’day, nyan! (paw note:“Nyan” is the Japanese word for “meow”, which some but not all catgirls vocalize, purrticularly in the NC OBX Catspeak dialect,...