Procter, Murray
Define casualising. casualising synonyms, casualising pronunciation, casualising translation, English dictionary definition of casualising. or n the altering of working practices so that regular workers are re-employed on a casual or short-term basis Col
Definition of casual employee As set out in the Bill, a person will be a casual employee if they are: offered employment on the basis that the employer makes "no firm advance commitment to continuing and indefinite work"; the person accepts such offer; a...
Indeed, a key new battle site in parts of North America and Western Europe centers on the definition of an “employee” as opposed to an “independent contractor,” with only the former entitled to a range of employment safeguards and benefits. By some estimates, almost 25% of the US ...
Casual worker definition and minimum service period Ultimately, the FWC refined its analysis of what constitutes “regular and systematic” employment. The FWC reiterated the definition contained within s 15A of the Fair Work Act in which the status of a casual employee is contained a...
Our prototype revealed not to be a “hit”. At the end of the test, our publishing manager (a publisher’s employee who communicates with the developers and coordinates their projects) told us the KPIs were just not right, and that we were better focus on a new concept. Well, nevermind...
McUniversities revisited: a comparison of university and McDonald's casual employee experiences in Australia. Studies in Higher Education, 40(1), pp.142-157.Nadolny, A., & Ryan, S. (2012). McUniversities revisited: A comparison of university and McDonald's casual employee experiences in ...
Nadolny, A., & Ryan, S. (2015). McUniversities revisited: A comparison of university and McDonald's casual employee experiences in Australia. Studies in Higher Education, 40(1), 142-157. DOI: 10.1080/03075079.2013.818642Nadolny, A., & Ryan, S. (2013). McUniversities revisited: a ...