In this volume, the distinguished East German writer Christa Wolf retells the story of the fall of Troy, but from the point of view of the woman whose visionary powers earned her contempt and scorn. Written as a result of the author's Greek travels and studies, Cassandra speaks to us in...
In the tradition of such masterpieces of historical fiction as Mary Renault's , East German writer Christa Wolf movingly retells the story of the fall of Troy鈥攂ut from the point of view of the woman whose visionary powers earned her contempt and scorn. Written as a result of the author...
as such myths tend to be. Cassandra was the daughter of Priam, the king of Troy. She caught the eye of the god Apollo, who was accustomed to getting what he wanted. He was amazed and displeased when she refused his romantic advances, and he became vengeful. He cursed Cassandra with a ...
Coroebus and Othronus came to the aid of Troy out of love for Cassandra. Cassandra was also the first to see the body of her brother Hector being brought back to the city.After the Trojan War, she sought shelter in the temple of Athena, where she was raped by Ajax the ...
In this volume, the distinguished East German writer Christa Wolf retells the story of the fall of Troy, but from the point of view of the woman whose visionary powers earned her contempt and scorn. Written as a result of the author's Greek travels and studies, speaks to us in a ...
Why is '-ed' sometimes pronounced at the end of a word? What's the difference between 'fascism' and 'socialism'? Popular in Wordplay See All 'In Vino Veritas' and Other Latin Phrases to Live By Even More Words That Sound Like Insults But Aren't ...
They brought the horse within the city walls, and unwittingly invited the Greek soldiers hidden therein into the city, which led to Troy’s fall. Cassandra was taken as a war prize back to Greece by Agamemnon, where she again foresaw the future: his (and her) death,...
fall of Troy and the death ofAgamemnon, but her warnings went unheeded. During the sack of Troy,Ajax the Lesserdragged Cassandra from the altar ofAthenaand raped her. For this impiety, Athena sent a storm that sank most of the Greek fleet as it returned home. The rape of Cassandra by ...
Cassandra Cain is a member of the Bat-Family as a protégé and adoptive daughter of Batman. The daughter of assassins David Cain and Lady Shiva, she was raised to become the greatest weapon for the League of Assassins. However, horrified from her first