Alia is rescued by a mysterious girl of extraordinary strength and forced to confront a horrible truth: Alia is a Warbringer—a direct descendant of the infamous Helen of Troy, fated to bring about an age of bloodshed
Plato here refers to the prophecy that defined the Trojan War: That Achilles, the champion of the Greeks, would die after the fall of Hector, who was the champion of Troy. Throughout the war, Achilles avoids challenging Hector, knowing that even a victory will spell his own demise. However...
If Cassandra can’t find the truth in time, she’ll become the next victim… Crime Fiction, Thrillers Free!Retail Price: $2.99Available for a limited time Amazon Barnes & Noble Apple Books Google Kobo Scraps of Paper Kathryn Meyer Griffith With over 12,000 five-star Amazon ratings: Abigail...
The final volume of Barker’s “Women of Troy” trilogy is narrated not by enslaved princess Briseis but by her friend Ritsa. Ritsa becomes a kind of babysitter to King Priam’s daughter Cassandra, as Agamemnon takes them all back to Greece. The all-seeing and never-believed Cassandra knows...
#209Cassandra Clare, Lissa Evans, Suzan Colón, Damian Dressick, Madeline Ffitch, Dennis Lehane, William Maxwell, and more. #208Alexander Chee; Donna Meredith; Rita Quillen; Mrs. Humphy Ward; Roger Zelazny; Dennis LeHane; Eliot Parker; and more. ...
When Cassandra sees the tragedy of war, she befriends a lesser wind god, who helps her in her efforts to prevent the war from starting. Rin, an Amazon warrior princess, narrates the second half. She is part of a band of Amazons asked to assist the Trojans, and while in Troy makes ...
Born and raised in Plymouth, Minnesota, Becca Cooper is a skilled ballet dancer who struggles with a secret that could shatter her life. Plagued by debilitating visions of a ballerina named Cassandra, the seventeen-year-old begins to discover her truth in the pages of a dusty old diary. When...
Cassandra and Judith have been inseparable since birth — or even earlier, seeing as they’re identical twins. As adults, they live on opposite sides of the United States, Judith in New York, and Cassandra in Berkeley, California. Both are wildly intelligent women who know they can have anyt...
CassandraPrincess of Troy, and cursed by Apollo to see the future but never to be believed when she speaks of it. She is powerless in her knowledge that the city will fall. ElektraThe youngest daughter of Clytemnestra and Agamemnon, Elektra is horrified by the bloodletting of her kin. But,...
The Cassandra Compact(With: Philip Shelby)(2001)Amazon US|Amazon UK + Show All Books in this Series Publication Order of Matarese Dynasty Books The Matarese Circle(1979)Amazon US|Amazon UK The Matarese Countdown(1997)Amazon US|Amazon UK ...