Cassandra's mother (Lady Shiva) was chosen by David Cain, so the child (Cass) would have a better chance of learning Body-Language fluently, more easly...that's why it could never be done with Batman...because it requires alot of certain things, that wouldn't be possible in Batman's...
Cassandra Cain is a member of the Bat-Family as a protégé and adoptive daughter of Batman. The daughter of assassins David Cain and Lady Shiva, she was raised to become the greatest weapon for the League of Assassins. However, horrified from her first
A 26-issue, weekly series, Batman and Robin Eternal will celebrate the 75th anniversary of Robin by centering heavily on the legacy of the character… …but it will also feature the long-awaited return of onetime Batgirl Cassandra Cain. “This series is going to reintroduce Cassandra Cain to ...