内容简介:Cassandra Cain can't speak, read, or write. And that only makes her more powerful. Trained to use all her senses in order to enhance her fighting capabilities, Cassandra Cain pushes herself to every limit imaginable. When Vesper Fairchild is murdered, Batgirl, Nightwing, and their ...
#漢化發布# #Batgirl# #Cassandra Cain# 54回發布,一神秘人士極力摧毀一本名為"火星陰謀"新書出現在市面上,沒人知道這本書的內容是什麼、裡面暗藏著什麼樣的訊息...而僅剩的最後一本書就在中央圖書館中!蝙蝠女能趕在書籍被燃燒殆盡前把它搶救回來嗎?翻:@Within-沉迷吓猴 校:@大米饭一碗 修嵌:@cookpie ...
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Batgirls Bette Kane • Barbara Gordon • Helena Bertinelli • Cassandra Cain • Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe • Stephanie Brown Supporting Alysia Yeoh • Batman • Batman Family • Birds of Prey • Crystal Brown • Francisco Gracia • Frankie Charles • James Gordon • Jordanna Sp...
In 1999 Oracle and the Batfamily take Cassandra Cain under their wing. With an expertise in human body language and a deadly set of skills, she becomes the first Batgirl to have her own monthly comic. After the events of One Year Later leave the title of Batgirl open, in 2009 Stephanie ...
Cassandra Cain is the daughter of super-villains and a living weapon trained from birth to be the ultimate assassin. But that doesn’t mean she has to stay that way, right? She’ll have to go through an identity crisis of epic proportions to find out. But how do you figure ...
I love Cassandra Cain and her abilities are top level. But it doesn't mean she can dodge everybody everytime. Especially a character with over a thousand years of experience under her belt. " If you're referring to people like Nightwing and Batman, then those are Cassandra's low showing...
A new Batgirl was introduced inBatmanno. 567 (July 1999), when Gordon befriended a teenage girl who happened to be the daughter of anotoriousassassin. Cassandra Cain had been expertly trained inmartial artsand other modes of combat, but she wished to break free of her violent heritage. The...