Since DIC is secondary to an underlying disease, its diagnosis can be challenging, as there is no single laboratory test with sufficient accuracy to allow for a diagnosis. Imaging studies are generally only useful in detecting the underlying condition inciting DIC.4DIC may present with a wide ran...
Through hands-on learning, neural connections in the brain are strengthened, making us generally smarter, not just in the area we practice. Hands-on experiential learning activities require practice, problem-solving, and decision-making. As student engagement increases through work-based learning, the...
Case studies provide insight into situations that involve a specific entity or set of circumstances. They can bebeneficialin helping to explain the causal relationships between quantitative indicators in a field of study, such as what drives a company’s market share. By introducing real-world examp...
First – if you want to optimize your case prep, review every case you do right after you finish it and keep a log of your learnings. Repeat mistakes without fixing them is a recipe for disaster. Practice with a Case Partner Partner with other aspiring consultants who share your ambition ...
Performance cookiesare generally third-party cookies from vendors we work with or who work on our behalf that collect information about your visit and use of the Accenture website, for instance which pages you visit the most often, and if you get error messages from web pages. These cookies ...
A common argument against the use of case studies is that they provide little basis for scientific generalization (Yin, 2003, 10; Lukka & Kasanen, 1993). Eisenhardt (1989) addresses this concern by a process of multiple-case analysis that allows the researcher to draw more generally-held theo...
“adverse event” versus the high-magnitude low-probability risk ofnotgetting vaccinated and facing a smallpox attack unprotected. Health care workers pondering whether or not to roll up their sleeves generally weren’t told about that other worst case scenario, the one that might result (for ...
[43,44], conducted studies to examine the relationship and effectiveness between the intellectual capital and innovation capabilities of firms; the empirical results showed that there was a significant relationship between intellectual capital and innovation. In addition, Huang et al. and Najar and Ben...
Overall, the case-study method was effective as indicated by generally higher learning outcomes and more positive attitudes for the case-study treatment group as compared to the knowledge-representation group. It might be important to consider the order in which each of the instructional methods is...
such tools are generally developed in technical departments that continue to be siloed from where the real benefit would be achieved with their usage. Significant effort still needs to be made to make these advancements available, first in academic clinical research and ultimately in the clinical set...