case studycoordinator in the field of domestic violenceIt can be concluded that great attention has been paid to the issues of domestic violence in the Czech Republic since 1996, which has brought positive results in dealing with real cases by the members of the Police of the Czech Republic. ...
这种方法不太适合大规模总体的研究或预设变量之间因果关系的代表性数据的收集;运用的是个案研究(Case Study)的逻辑而不是随机样本(Random Sampling)。 历史 “参与观察”的实践历史需要与这一术语的使用历史和它在现代意义上的应用区分开来。在该术语出现之前,甚至远在社会科学成为一个学术领域之前,观察者就通过个人...
The first part of the present study case has pointed to the efforts directed by Procter & Gamble over time to keep close to its customers and the manner in which management has supported innovation within the company. Following the principles of disruptive innovation, the CEO of the company has...
The purpose of the study was to describe and assess the Case Study Committee at Franklin High School. The Case Study Committee was one of four phases of the mental health program. The other phases were Teacher In-Service Workshops, Teacher-Student Discussion Groups, and Student-Parent-Teacher ...
I'm going to report on a case study of a programme which has been set up to help rural populations in Mozambique, a largely agricultural country in South-East Africa. 我将会就一个旨在帮助莫桑比克农村人口的项目的案例研究作报告,莫桑比克是非洲东南部一个以农业为主的国家。 The programme worked wi...
法律文本翻译中的词性转换——以新西兰1955年《婚姻法》为例-part of speech conversion in legal text translation a case study of new zealands marriage law of 1955 摘 要本文是在对新西兰 1955 年《婚姻法》翻译的基础上做的一篇翻译报告,以 此来总结法律文本翻译中的词性转换技巧。在翻译过程中,若一味的...
A one whole year. B 18 months. C two years. Questions 24 and 25 Choose TWO letters A-E. What TWO types of coursework are required each month on the part-time course? A a case study B an essay C a survey D a short report
The impact of organizational change (downsizing) on job satisfaction and organizational commitment : a case study of a selected holding company in Bangkok,... Finally, some significant correlations between concepts that were the object of the study were found. Job involvement and organizational commit...
Objective To investigate the risk factors of injuries in middle school students and to provide basis for the prevention and reduction of such incidence. Methods 1:1 case control study was conducted on 254 cases and 254 controls on a basis of sex, age and grade. The relationship between risk ...
phase of the programme. 原文 译文 PART 4 I’m going to report on a case study of a programme which has been set up to help rural populations in Mozambique, a largely agricultural country in South-East Africa. The programme worked with three communities in Chicualacuala district, near the ...