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Multiple views of sustainable urban mobility: The case of Brazil The aim of this work is to identify key factors of a sustainable urban mobility concept in a particular context. A multiple criteria decision analysis meth... Antonio Nelson Rodrigues da Silva,MDS Costa,MH Macedo - 《Transport ...
Olanzapine: Decreased blood glucose levels: 7 case reports
Figure 4. Diagram of the GR4J model (from Perrin et al. [2003]) Figure 5. Probability model of runoff measurement errors estimated from rating curve analysis of the Horton catchment. Figure 6. Observed vs. simulated runoff for all calibration methods. (BATEA_DAILY_54138_2yr is similar to...
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According to the diagram shown in Figure 4c, when the average discharge during the free-flow stage increased by approximately 56% under the ADF 110 scenario, (i.e., Q2/Q1 = 1.56), the FE increased approximately by 5%. Under these conditions, the total used water volume for the flushing ...
Taking into account the issues associated with climate change and reliance on external sources of energy, among others, the European Union and its commission have developed a strategy for transitioning to a climate-neutral economy by 2050. In this sense,
Ethinylestradiol/desogestrel: Recurrent ascites: case report