In kernel-based methods, edge detection techniques, like the Canny or Sobel operators, identify vessel boundaries using gradient information40. More sophisticated approaches, such as Hessian-based methods can be categorised under model-based methods41. These methods utilise second-order intensity ...
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Multiple views of sustainable urban mobility: The case of Brazil The aim of this work is to identify key factors of a sustainable urban mobility concept in a particular context. A multiple criteria decision analysis meth... Antonio Nelson Rodrigues da Silva,MDS Costa,MH Macedo - 《Transport ...
Olanzapine: Decreased blood glucose levels: 7 case reports
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Drones can minimize the time, the number of human resources and protect the operators by performing remote detection. The DRAGoN project presented a compact and mobile system for the safe and fast inspection of nuclear pollution and contamination that can distinguish between neutrons and gamma ...
Loop unrolling pragma has been used in the for-loops for the three functions to unroll and create multiple independent operations rather than a single collection of operators. It creates multiple copies of the loop body and adjusts the loop iteration counter accordingly, so that it can exploit ...
Ethinylestradiol/desogestrel: Recurrent ascites: case report