Carriage of Goods by Sea Act 1992doi:1992 c. 50介绍性文本1.装运文件法律适用的条款.2.装运文件项下的权利.3.装运文件项下的责任.4.提单中的陈述.5.解释等.6.简称,废除,生效和范围.
Bills of lading in export trade : formerly The sale of goods carried by sea Rejection of documents and goods Appendix 1 Statues Sale of Goods Act 1979, Carriage of Goods by Sea Act 1971, Carriage of Goods by Sea Act 1992 Appendix 2 Contracts GAFTA Contract No 100, FOSFA Contract No 54,...
United States Carriage of Goods by Sea Act and the Harter Act, see Part Charterer's liabilities under the ship time charter Work on the Rotterdam Rules began more than 10 years ago when it became evident that earlier liability regimes--such as the Hague Rules, approved in 1924 and ratified...
goodscarriagesea海商法shippercarrier TheCarriageofGoodsbySeaAct (COGSA) 46UnitedStatesCode§§1300-1315 §1301Defenitions. Whenusedinthischapter-- (a)Theterm"carrier"includestheownerorthechartererwhoentersintoa contractofcarriagewithashipper. (b)Theterm"contractofcarriage"appliesonlytocontractsofcarriage...
United KingdomCarriage of Goods by Sea Act1992, addresses these legal problems. 本條例草案是根據聯合王國《1992年海㆖貨物運輸法令》制訂,目的是解決㆖述各項法律問題。 [...] demands from the ...
sale of goods act 【法】 货物买卖法 相似单词 carriage n. 1.[C]火车的客车厢 2.[C]四轮马车 3.[U]运输,运费 4.[C]滑动托架 5.[sing.]举止 ACT =Active Control Technology 主动控制技术 act n.[C] 1.行为,行动 2.行动过程 3.【戏】幕;(马戏、杂耍、电视歌舞演出中的)短节目;(搭档)演...
例句 释义: 全部,海上货物运输法,海运货物法例,海上货物运输法案 更多例句筛选 1. Carriage of Goods by Sea Act 1936, USA 美国1936年海上货物运送法 2. COGSA Carriage of Goods by Sea Act 海上货物运输法 ©...
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