carrier deliveryof goodscoveredbyabilloflading,seawaybill or ship's delivery order becomes liable for any costofcarriagethatmay be owing. 故此,舉例來說,任何㆟要求承 運㆟交付提單、海運貨單或船舶交貨單所包括的貨物,即須負責欠付的任何運輸費用。
sale of goods act 【法】 货物买卖法 相似单词 carriage n. 1.[C]火车的客车厢 2.[C]四轮马车 3.[U]运输,运费 4.[C]滑动托架 5.[sing.]举止 ACT =Active Control Technology 主动控制技术 act n.[C] 1.行为,行动 2.行动过程 3.【戏】幕;(马戏、杂耍、电视歌舞演出中的)短节目;(搭档)演...
例句 释义: 全部,海上货物运输法,海运货物法例,海上货物运输法案 更多例句筛选 1. Carriage of Goods by Sea Act 1936, USA 美国1936年海上货物运送法 2. COGSA Carriage of Goods by Sea Act 海上货物运输法 ©...
The prevailing laws which are the Bill of Lading Act 1856 and the Carriage of Goods by Sea Act of 1925 needed to be replaced and brought in line with modern practices and circumstances. PAKISTAN SHIP'S AGENTS ASSOCIATION (PSAA) If ratified by the United States in its present form, the co...
Under the Carriage of Goods by Sea Act of 1936,a vessel will be liable for damage to cargo when the damage arises out of(). Apoor stowage of cargo in a container Bfire caused by lightning Coverloading Dinherent vice 正确答案 答案解析...
goodscarriagesea海商法shippercarrier TheCarriageofGoodsbySeaAct (COGSA) 46UnitedStatesCode§§1300-1315 §1301Defenitions. Whenusedinthischapter-- (a)Theterm"carrier"includestheownerorthechartererwhoentersintoa contractofcarriagewithashipper. (b)Theterm"contractofcarriage"appliesonlytocontractsofcarriage...
网络海上货运条例;海上货运条款 网络释义
U.s.f.mar.l.jThe Proposed Amendments to the Carriage of Goods by Sea Act: An Update, 13 University of San Francisco Maritime Law Journal 2000, pp. 1-29Sturley, M. "Proposed Amendments to the Carriage of Goods by Sea Act" (1996) 18 Hous. J. Int'l L. 609....