Carnival Cruise Lines, Inc. v. Shute: The Titantic of Worst Supreme Court DecisionsForum Selection ClausesCivil ProcedureConsumer ProtectionSupreme CourtCertain law reviews recently have collected essays from various academic scholars opining on the Supreme Court's finest decisions ever, and the ...
Carnival Cruise Lines v. Shute: An Amicus Inquiry into the Future of Purposeful Availmentthat preceded the Court's creation of the substantive due process-based inquiry into "traditionalnotions of fair tradition, if it ever could have been, in light of escape devices such as the doctrineof ...
In Carnival Cruise Lines, Inc. v. Shute, the Court said, in effect, that federal courts should enforce a forum-selection cause even if the clause looks like, acts like, and is, part of an adhesive consumer contract. Carnival Cruise Lines was an easy case. It was based on the humblest...
Carnival Cruise Lines, Inc. v. Shute: Clauses in non-negotiated form contracts that designate a certain forum for any related legal disputes generally allow that forum to exercise personal jurisdiction over the parties, barring any issues regarding a lac
*765 Appellee Carnival Cruise Lines, Inc. (Carnival), is a Panamanian corporation with its principal place of business in Florida. Appellants Eulala and Russel Shute are Washington residents who purchased ocean cruise fares from Carnival through a Snohomish County travel agency in March 1986. ...
We’’re All in the Same Boat: Carnival Cruise Lines Inc. v. Shutc. Edward P. Glibert. Brook. J. Int’’l L . 1992Edward Gilbert.We’’reAll in the Same Boat: Carnival Cruise Lines, Inc. v. Shute. Brook. J. Int’’l L . 1992...
In Carnival Cruise Lines, Inc. v. Shute, decided in 1992, the Supreme Court extended The Bremen to this context. The Court thus enforced an exclusive forum selection clause printed on the back of a cruise line ticket and required a plaintiff to bring suit in Florida even though she was a...
Contract Law Walks the Plank: Carnival Cruise Lines, Inc. v. Shuteto see if either its terms in general or the choice-of-law term in particular Both in the world of papercontracts and in the world where contracts are only "virtual See generally David Horton, TheShadow Terms: Contract ...
U.s.f.mar.l.jFRANKLIN, Kurt A. and WELDY, David A. "Dark of the Night Legislation Takes Aim at Forum Selection Clauses: Statutory Revisions in Reaction ta Carnival Cruise Lines, Inc. V. Shute" (1993) 6 U. S. F. Mar. L. J. 259....