Open-source simulator for autonomous driving research. - carla/PythonAPI/examples/ at master · carla-simulator/carla
i tried 1.use"make launch",get error boost_1_72_0.tar.gz: Insufficient permissions Unable to write to 'boost_1_72_0.tar.gz' (success). Extracting boost for Python 3. tar (child): boost_1_72_0.tar.gz: cannot open: No such file or directory tar (child): Error is ...
2- run an example from PythonAPI folder. (to make sure everything works fine) 3- open new terminal on scenario runner folder and run this line of code: python --scenario FollowLeadingVehicle_1 --reloadWorld after this step, my Carla window jumps to new scene and weath...
Open-source simulator for autonomous driving research. - carla/PythonAPI/examples/ at · carla-simulator/carla