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Carl Jung--his story, his thought, and his impact on contemporary psychology--at Mythos & Logos. With links galore!
荣格(Carl Gustav Jung,1875-1961),瑞士心理学家。1907年其于弗洛伊德合作发展及推广精神分析学说长达6年之久,之后创立了荣格人格分析心理学理论,出“情结“的概念,把人格分为内倾和外倾两种,主张把人格分为意识、个人无意识和集体无意识三层。 1961年6月6日逝于瑞士,在世是曾任国际心理分析学会会长、国际心理...
A detailed biography of Carl Jung that includes includes images, quotations and the main facts of his life. Key Stage 3. GCSE European History. A-level.Last updated: 18th April 2022
For much of his later life, Jung traveled the globe to study different cultures. He published extensively on his findings, authoring some 200 works on his theories, including Modern Man in Search of a Soul (1933) and The Undiscovered Self (1957). He also held professorships at the Federal...
(1957). The Undiscovered Self (Present and Future). 1959 ed. New York: American Library. 1990 ed. Bollingen ISBN 0-691-01894-4 (50 p. essay, also contained in collected Works Vol. 10) Jung, C. G., & De Laszlo, V. S. (1958). Psyche and Symbol: A Selection from the Writings...
Swiss psychologist Carl Jung was born in 1875 and was a contemporary of Austrian psychologist Sigmund Freud. He was a proponent of analytic psychology, which focussed more on the struggles a person was having in the present, rather than incidents that may have occurred in the past. ...
For much of his later life, Jung traveled the globe to study different cultures. He published extensively on his findings, authoring some 200 works on his theories, including Modern Man in Search of a Soul (1933) and The Undiscovered Self (1957). He also held professorships at the Federal...
卡尔·荣格(Carl Gustav Jung,1875年7月26日—1961年6月6日),生于瑞士图尔高州,瑞士心理学家/精神病医生和精神分析家,分析心理学创始人。荣格早年学习医学,但同时对哲学、神学和心理学等诸多学科都抱有强烈的兴趣。与精神分析结缘前,荣格师从精神病学家布罗伊勒,针对早发性痴呆(后世成为精神分裂)进行...