The potential of COPCA's coaching for families with infants with special needs in low- and middle-income countries The studies revealed that coaching as applied in COPCA (COPing and CAring for infants with special needs) is a pivotal element determining the success of... SA Ziegler,RLDS Morais...
To meet this need in past years, various ecclesial, municipal and private initiatives were undertaken to improve home, hospital and medical care, as well as to provide better pastoralcare for the dyingand competent help for their relatives. ...
LDS He does not think only of himself, but he also cares about the feelings of others, even those who may have irritated or mistreated him. Doo tʼáá bí tʼéíádaa nitsídaakees da. Azhą́ shı̨́ı̨́ tʼóó bá dahodoonih doodaiiʼ doo ákóshiilaa ...
In this chapter, I address the emotional needs of those who work and live with trauma survivors. Strategies for engaging and supporting families of trauma survivors both inside of and collateral to the therapy process are presented. To engage families and social networks or to assist clients to ...
Those who suffer also need the empathetic support of patient,caring familyand friends. jw2019 A humble dwelling, centered on the gospel and filled withcaring familyand friends, would make Him happy. LDS Continue to increase and strengthen fostercare,family-type foster homes and other family-based...