These are ways in which I will attempt to remain in balance. In these times remember that Satan is aware of those who are for the Savior, We are cautioned to be watchful of all things and measure every encounter with discernment because, above all other dispensations, this is the one wh...
and during the whole time not a word was spoken by any other person. Not a sound nor motion made by anyone but Joseph and Sidney, and it seemed to me that they never moved a joint or limb during the time I was there, which I think was over an hour, and to the end of the visi...
“Every Christmas I’ve stayed at school that’s what I’ve missed the most. I was really glad when Julie invited me over because I knew we’d have a crackling fire.” Chad glanced over at the living room door. “Yeah, I guess we will if they ever come out.” Nancy took another ...
I killed father yesiree! Now I'm blind and I can't see This is a grecian tragedy. I love Chachi, he loves me And my brother, he's Richie Everybody loves Fonzi! We are a Happy Days family. Away In An Attic [a Smithmas carol about young Joe's First Vision, er, Dream] (Tune:...
the Savior turned to her and said, “Daughter, be of good comfort: Thy faith hath made thee whole. And the woman was made whole from that hour” (Matt. 9:22) The Savior recognized her as His beloved child, affectionately calling her “Daughter,” and healed her—again with no hesitatio...
I see my moth-er kneel-ing with our fam-i-ly each day. I hear the words she whis-pers as she bows her head to pray. Her plea to the Fa-ther qui-ets all my fears, And I am thank-ful love is spo-ken here. Mine is a home where ev-r'y hour, ...
Last night I went to a book signing by Ally Condie author of Matched. This is a dystopian novel about a society that controls everything by statistical analysis. I enjoyed it and it was neat meeting the author. She was very personable and friendly, answering questions for an hour. I liked...
The snow blew in thick flurries, carried on a wind that tasted of peppermint, so that every breath felt like brushing your teeth. “With respect,” he muttered, “what are we supposed to see? I’ve been up here dozens of times.” Nerwen pointed at a cluster of buildings below. “I...