where some Kootenay herds have disappeared and the largest herds in the Peace region have started to recover after dwindling to a few hundred animals. And the latest protests have not been over shooting wolves from helicopters, but on the NDP government’s approval of ...
Jones, Elena SJones, E. S. 2008. Seasonal habitat use and selection by woodland caribou herds in the South Peace region, central British Columbia. Habitat Conservation Trust Fund Project No. 7-325. Report prepared for the BC Ministry of Environment. Fort St. John, BC,...
来自 for.gov.bc.ca 喜欢 0 阅读量: 29 作者: D Seip 摘要: It appears that the Robson Valley is not the core area of a major mountain cariboupopulation, but rather provides peripheral habitat that is used in some winters by caribou herds that are centered outside the District Boundary. ...
Conservation of caribou () in Canada: an uncertain future Caribou ((L., 1758)) play a central role in the ecology and culture of much of Canada, where they were once the most abundant cervid. Most populations are currently declining, and some face extirpation. In southern Canada, caribou ...
(Canada) has experienced a large decline in population size since the population peaked in the early 1990s, with similarly large changes in seasonal range use. Demographic changes are suspected to have influenced forage abundance and caribou range use through density-dependent interactions between ...
showing the first glimmer of hope. Three of B.C.’s largest herds in the South Peace have turned the corner from a steep decline towards extinction, and are trending toward recovery. This is after the maternity penning program was extended from Kootenay herds to the South Peace, and the wo...
Caribou (Rangifer tarandus) are the common thread running through thousands of years of cultural evolution in northern mainland Canada. From the earliest Indian traditions, through the Pre-Dorset and Dene cultural evolution, up to historic times, the vast herds of migratory Barrenland caribou provided...
Management of Woodland Caribou in Alberta, with a Focus on the Little Smoky and A La Peche Herds in the Rocky Mountain FoothillsWalsh, HeleneDirector, BCCpaws, EC