Population dynamics of caribou herds in southwestern Alaska. Rangifer Special Issue 14:131-142.Valkenburg V, Sellers RA, Squibb RC, Woolington JD, Aderman AR, Dale DW (2001) Population dynamics of caribou herds in southwestern Alaska. Rangifer 14(Special Issue):131-142...
FIGURE 1.Approximate summer ranges of four caribou herds in arctic Alaska and details of the oil-field complexes in the Prudhoe Bay-Kuparuk region (inset). The Western Arctic Herd (WAH) ranges from the western Arctic Coastal Plain southward across the Brooks Range to the Seward Peninsula; most...
SummaryWe have sampled five different herds of caribou in Alaska to ascertain their major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II diversity, and to assess whether the herds were significantly different in their MHC class II allele profiles. We complemented the MHC results with data from nine ...
Herds of female caribou, called cows, leave several weeks before the males, which follow with yearling calves from the previous birthing season. The herds spend the winter in more sheltered climes and survive by feeding on lichens. Caribou are taller and lankier than reindeer, likely because ...
Caribou Caribou(Rangifertarandus)liveinthearctictundra,mountaintundra,andnorthernforestsofNorth America,Russia,andScandinavia.Theworldpopulationisabout5million.CaribouinAlaskaare distributedin32herds(orpopulations).Aherdusesacalvingareathatisseparatefromthecalving areasofotherherds,butdifferentherdsmaymixtogetheronwint...
For millennia Indigenous communities have relied on the far north's caribou herds for sustenance. But as the herds dwindle, the future becomes difficult to predict.
Alaskabody sizebody massDelta Herdmetatarsus lengthNelchina HerdpredationRangifer tarandus grantisummer range qualityWe studied body mass of female calves and natality rate of adult females in two adjacent Interior Alaskan caribou (Rangifer tarandus granti) herds during 1991-2001. Mass of newborn ...
Valkenburg V, Sellers RA, Squibb RC, Woolington JD, Aderman AR, Dale DW (2001) Population dynamics of caribou herds in southwestern Alaska. Rangifer 14(Special Issue):131–142 Weckerly FW, Ricca MA (2000) Using presence of sign to measure habitats used by Roosevelt elk. Wildl Soc Bull ...
These large animals have played an important economic role in Canada and Alaska, where they are still reasonably abundant, and many people enjoy seeing herds in the wild when they visit these regions. Along with other arctic animals, caribou have developed a number of unique traits which make ...
Here, we looked at the association between annual survival and body mass and MHC–DRB exon 2 (MHC–DRB) genetic diversity, obtained from high-throughput sequencing, in two declining migratory caribou (Rangifer tarandus) herds. To disentangle the potential direct and general effects of MHC–DRB ...