Often services that might provide support for carers, such as case management and carer support groups, withdraw upon entry to residential care; precisely when the need for emotional support is at its greatest. This withdrawal of care reflects the often fragmented nature of aged care services, ...
examples including; bereavement support and social groups, education, psychological support and counselling, befriending and home-visiting support, arts-based approaches, spiritual approaches, complementary therapies, or pharmacological therapies. Interventions comparing music therapy to ...
Young Minds –Specific advice and guidance about supporting a child or young person with substance or alcohol problems Child and Adolescent Mental Health (CAMHS) Coming to CAMHS Advice for Parents & Carers Useful Websites & Apps Near Me (CAMHS)Quick...
It is important that YCs are identified and recognised in order to positively impact their well-being and mental health [5]. A promising way to facilitate this could be the use of technology, such as online support groups or gamified apps that could support YCs and strengthen their resilience...
and plan to provide accredited training at UCL in the near future. Alzheimer's Society are supporting the team to explore different options for getting the intervention further implemented into practice, and provided funding to make cultural adaptations to widen access to minority ethnic groups. The...
physical disability, it is not clear that the ethical issues raised for telecare by the whole class of those with physically disability can readily be inferred from the ethical issues raised for telecare by older people with disabilities. What we have are overlapping groups with overlapping issues...
and this change is reflected in its listing as one of six priority population groups for future research by state and federal governments [19]. Some people belonging to CALD communities encounter greater challenges when navigating government systems such as health, social welfare, disability care, ag...
For more information, please refer to https://www.mdpi.com/openaccess. Feature papers represent the most advanced research with significant potential for high impact in the field. A Feature Paper should be a substantial original Article that involves several techniques or approaches, provides an ...