Respondents were invited by email to specify their University Hospital, their current university term, the number of instrumental deliveries performed...doi:10.1016/j.gofs.2017.08.005Gac, M.M.Raimond, E.Orquevaux, P.Pelissier, A.Graesslin, O.Gynécologie Obstétrique Fertilité & Sénologie...
En effet, le renouvellement cellulaire rapide du tissu hématopoïétique exige un apport important de nutriments, en particulier de protéines, mais aussi de vitamines B9 (folates) et B12, et bien sûr de fer. Des travaux expérimentaux sur des rongeurs en situation de carence pro...
The aim of the present study was to find out whether the elevation of the serum ceruloplasmin level, previously described in vitamin-A-deficient rats, is a specific phenomenon. Quantitative variations of serum ceruloplasmin, albumin and haptoglobin (whose concentration increased during inflammation) ...
Guillaume TielmanÉmile Allah-KouadioFrancois GuillemotElsevier Masson SASGastroentérologie Clinique Et BiologiqueTielman G, Allah-Kouadio E, Guillemot F. Carence en vitamines B12 revelatrice d'une maladie de Crohn ileale asymptomatique. Gastroente- rol Clin Biol. 2007;31:195-7....
Carence en vitamine B12 probablement liée à une malabsorption des cobalamines alimentaires sous traitement par oméprazoleCubilin is a 460-kd multiligand hydrophobic protein that binds to intrinsic factor cobalamin (Cbl-IF) with a high affinity and that is expressed in both kidney and ileal ...
cobalamindeficiencymaldigestionmetforminIt has been discussed and highlighted a potential link between vitamin B12 deficiency and long-term metformin intake, especially in epidemiological studies. This link appears to be through the syndrome of food-cobalamin malabsorption. This paper develops the recent ...
NafilIlliasTaziMohamedSifessalamMohamedBouchtiaLahoucineMahmalElsevier Masson SASLa Presse MédicaleNafil H, Tazi I, Sifessalam M, Bouchitia M, Mahmal L. Pre´valence de l'infection a` Helicobacter pylori au cours de la maladie de Biermer dans la re´gion de Marrakech (Maroc). Me´...