Respondents were invited by email to specify their University Hospital, their current university term, the number of instrumental deliveries performed...doi:10.1016/j.gofs.2017.08.005Gac, M.M.Raimond, E.Orquevaux, P.Pelissier, A.Graesslin, O.Gynécologie Obstétrique Fertilité & Sénologie...
En effet, le renouvellement cellulaire rapide du tissu hématopoïétique exige un apport important de nutriments, en particulier de protéines, mais aussi de vitamines B9 (folates) et B12, et bien sûr de fer. Des travaux expérimentaux sur des rongeurs en situation de carence pro...
Chez le sujet âgé, la carence en B12 est fréquente et ses origines multiples, de par son métabolisme complexe : non-dissociation de la vitamine B12 de sa protéine porteuse (60 % des cas), classique maladie de Biermer (20 % des ...
The newborn's vitamin B12 storage exclusively comes from placenta transfer, later from animal food.We relate 3 observations of infants (3-11-13 months) with failure to thrive, anorexia, vomiting and for the two olders refusal of weaning, associated with psychomotricity regression and hypotony. ...
Metformin intake and vitamin B12 deficiencies: what impact for practitioner?Emmanuel Andrès
Carence en vita- mine B12, ataxie cerebelleuse et troubles cognitifs. Rev Neurol 2009;165:1095-8.Gochard A, Mondon K, De Toffol B, Autret A (2009) Carence en vitamine B12, ataxie cérébelleuse et troubles cognitifs. Rev Neurol (Paris) 165(12):1095–1098...
Carence en vitamine B12 et infertilitéPurpose: During bone-marrow biopsy, one third of patients score their pain as moderate or severe. Combination of analgesic and hypnotic is effective at reducing pain, but prolonged medical surveillance is necessary. The objective of the study was to assess ...
Vitamin B12 or B9 deficiency developed during pregnancy have laboratory findings similar to those of HELLP syndrome.doi:10.1016/j.jgyn.2009.02.005E. ChauvetM. YoussefR. BoukhariW. El GuindiG. CarlesElsevier Masson SASJournal De Gynecologie Obstetrique Et Biologie De La Reproduction...
Federicia L, Henoun Loukilib N, Zimmerc J, Affenbergera S, Maloiseld D, Andresa E: Manifestations hematologiques de la carence en vitamine B12: donnees personnelles et revue de la litterature. Rev Med Interne 2007, 28(4):225-231....
in this case proved to be useful for the diagnosis and the evaluation of the efficacy of the treatment These findings also suggest that demyelination of the posterior part of the spinal cord and peripheral axonal degeneration might be the main pathological changes related to vitamin B12 deficiency....