The AppCare-HF randomized clinical trial: a feasibility study of a novel self-care support mobile app for individuals with chronic heart failureDigital healthFeasibilityHeart failureMobile appSelf-careAIMS. We evaluated a self-care intervention with a novel mobile application (app) in chronic heart ...
Cost-effectiveness of cardiac resynchronization therapy: results from the CARE-HF trial Whilst the CArdiac REsynchronization in Heart Failure (CARE-HF) trial has shown that cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) leads to reduced morbidity and... MJ Calvert,F Nick,G Yao,... - 《European Heart ...
Swiss Interdisciplinary Management Programme for Heart Failure (SWIM-HF): a randomised controlled trial study of an outpatient inter-professional management programme for heart failure patients in Switzerland. PRINCIPLES: International guidelines for heart failure (HF) care recommend the implementation of int...
Lunati, M., Magenta, G. (2006). Impact of CRT on Mortality: What Are the Preliminary Results from the CARE-HF Trial?. In: Raviele, A. (eds) Cardiac Arrhythmias 2005. Springer, Milano. ...
•“太阳当空照,花儿对我笑,小鸟说早早早……”Briefhistory LargegroupofpatientsinneedofICDsforprimarypreventionNeweraofbiventricularpacingtoimproveHFsymptomsCOMPANIONandCARE-HF 5 ComparisonofMedicalTherapy,Pacing,andDefibrillationinHeart Failure COMPANION 6 COMPANION Design Parallel,randomizedclinicaltrialin1600...
CCTRN CONCERT-HF trial探索联合细胞疗法在缺血性心衰中的作用 有实验证据表明,不同细胞类型的联合将产生出人意料的效果,同时,有研究发现MSCs 和 CPCs 联合使用将产生“1+1>2”的疗效,比单独使用任一细胞的效果更好4。 2021年6月,来自美国的学者在European Journal of Heart Failure杂志在线发布了CONCERT-HF临床...
Learn about the PROACTIVE-HF 2 Clinical Trial Download the patient brochure Intended Use The Cordella Pulmonary Artery Sensor is designed to measure and send pulmonary artery pressure (PAP) data for patients with Class III heart failure who are receiving medical treatment and have been stable for ...
2 Briefhistory Large groupofpatientsinneedofICDsforprimaryprevention New eraofbiventricularpacingtoimproveHFsymptoms COMPANION andCARE-HF ppt课件 3 ComparisonofMedicalTherapy,Pacing,andDefibrillationinHeartFailure COMPANION ppt课件4 COMPANION Design Parallel,randomizedclinicaltrialin1600patients...
randomized clinical trial in 1600 patients with moderate or severe heart failure with QRs 120 ms and Pr interval 150 ms (Bristow MR et al. N EnglJ Med 2004; 350: 2140-2150) Patients randomized in a 1: 2 2 fashion to optimal medical therapy; optimal drug therapy lus CRT or optimal drug...
The STRONG-HF trial included individuals who were admitted to the hospital for AHF within 72 hours before screening. To be eligible, individuals were prescribed either: one-half or less of the optimal dose of renin-angiotensin receptor system inhibitors (RASi), no β-blocker...