The reconstruction resolves past uncertainties and integrates previous data on cardiac muscle structure and function. It provides a new paradigm for interpreting structural, physiological and clinical observations, and for the design of potential therapeutic drugs....
6a,b). We next determined the effect of HKL on transformation of cardiac fibroblasts into myofibroblasts, by using smooth muscle alpha actin (SMA), fibronectin and collagen-1 as critical determinants of myofibroblast differentiation. Stimulation of fibroblasts with the pro-fibrotic agent Ang-II ...
Zebrafish injury models have also been instrumental in clarifying the source of new heart muscle cells in a regenerative context. Several studies have exploited lineage-tracing methods to show that existing mature CMs are the source of new cardiac muscle and stem/progenitor cells have no significant ...
Chamley-Campbell J, Campbell G, Gröschel-Stewart U, Burnstock G (1977) FITC-labelled antibody staining of tropomyosin-containing fibrils in smooth, cardiac and skeletal muscle cells, perfusion myoblasts, fibroblasts, endothelial cells and 3 T 3 cells in culture. Cell Tissue Res 183:153–166...
Muscle ProteinsAffinity LabelsElectrophoresis, Polyacrylamide GelMuscle, Smooth, VascularDihydropyridinesIrradiation of a cytosolic fraction from vascular smooth muscle in the presence of [3H]felodipine resulted in the labelling of a protein with an apparent molecular weight of 62 kDa. The labelling was ...
Each dish was labelled with 120 mCi/ml [3H] palmitic acid (PerkinElmer) in regular culture medium overnight. The medium was removed the following day and cells were rinsed three times with PBS. Cell lysates were collected and added to the protein G agarose bead, which was prepared by ...
a, Schematic diagram of the CHAPIR antagomir injection and the experimental procedure. Echo, echocardiography. b, The analysis of cardiac morphology. Bar=2 mm (upper row). Representative images of left ventricular muscle sections stained with wheat germ agglutinin (WGA) to demarcate cell boundaries...
(REVIGO) web application23. This analysis identified clusters of biological processes involved in: cardiac development (including embryonic heart tube morphogenesis, muscle structure development, trabeculae formation and vasculogenesis); muscle cell differentiation and regulation of organ growth; actin filament...
DbhCre/Rosa26-tdTomato mouse line labelled historically expressed Dbh+-cells as tdTomato fluorescence. We found that tdTomato-expressing cells were highly enriched in the cardiac conduction system and ventricular trabecular regions throughout these stages (n = 5 hearts examined per stage). More...
Linposc-kitpos cardiac cells plated in cardiomyogenic medium, negligibly became cTnI-positive (Figure 1g) and in SMC media only a small number acquired smooth muscle actin (SMA) expression (Figure 1g). Overall, c-kit expression is necessary but not sufficient to identify and enrich for the ...