AMYLOIDOSISHEART failureCardiac amyloidosis is a type of amyloidosis that deserves special attention as organ involvement significantly worsens the prognosis. Cardiac amyloidosis can be grouped under three main headings: immunoglobulin light chain (AL) amyloidosis that is dependent on amyloidoge...
There is no unified prognostic scoring system for light chain cardiac amyloidosis (AL-CA), particularly stage IIIb AL-CA. This study aimed to use invasive haemodynamic information to investigate markers that can more accurately evaluate the prognosis of patients with stage IIIb AL-CA. Methods In ...
Cardiac amyloidosis: A case report and review of literature Cardiac damage in amyloidosis is usually little recognized due to its non specific presentation and delayed diagnosis, which can lead to errors both in treatment and information given to the patient. The exceptional presentation and vari......
The current status of quantitative SPECT/CT in the assessment of transthyretin cardiac amyloidosis. J Nucl Cardiol. 2019. Caobelli F, Braun M, Haaf P, Wild D, Zellweger MJ. Quantitative 99m Tc-DPD SPECT/CT in patients with suspected ATTR ...
"The heart is the most important abnormality in amyloidosis because if the heart is affected, that is the complete driver of how the patient will do and what their prognosis is," says Dr. Grogan. "That's why cardiac amyloidosis is so important to recognize and treat as early as possible....
Treatment and outcome The coexistence of CA and AS seems to be associated with a worse prognosis than CA or AS alone. A meta-analysis on 4243 patients from 21 studies showed that patients who had both AS and CA had a higher mortality rate than those with lone AS or CA [38]. Similarly...
Gene editing has demonstrated some early clinical promise as an emerging therapeutic modality in the treatment of CA. In an introductory human trial involving 12 subjects with TTR amyloidosis and amyloid cardiomyopathy (ATTR-CM), CRISPR-Cas9 therapy has demonstrated a reduction in approximately 90% ...
Cardiotoxicity, cardioprotection, and prognosis in survivors of anticancer treatment undergoing cardiac surgery: Unmet needs. Cancers 2023, 15, 2224. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] Lai, T.Y.; Hu, Y.W.; Wang, T.H.; Chen, J.P.; Shiau, C.Y.; Huang, P.I.; Lai, I.C.; Tseng, L.M....
The value of an etiological characterization of the disease lies in the ability, evident in the case of ATTR amyloidosis, to develop for the first time drugs that improve the prognosis of patients with HFpEF. c. Aortic stenosis and CA CA shares several common features with AS, such as LV ...
What is the treatment for sudden cardiac arrest? The vast majority of people whose heart stops beating unexpectedly have ventricular fibrillation. The definitive treatment for this is defibrillationusing electricity to shock the heart back into a regular rhythm. With technological advances, AEDs are now...