1.安装方式 在HACS商店进行下载,安装后需要在ha的目录中找到configuration.yaml 并将 frontend:extra_...
TIP: Home Assistant themes makes use ofCSS variables. Those can both be set and used in card-mod - prepended by two dashes: card_mod:style:|ha-card {--ha-card-background: teal;color: var(--primary-color);} Inentitiesandglancecards,each entity can have options. Those elements can be...
My Home Assistant version: 2023.4.0 My lovelace configuration method (GUI or yaml): yaml/storage What I am doing: I am trying to apply a style for hui-element card. Since this card does not have ha-card, it is placed into mod-card: type: entities entities: - type: custom:mod-card ...
2. 在homeassistant配置文件ui-lovelace.yaml中的对应位置加入以下代码,以加载lovelace-card-touchpad reso...
I will try also to update the drone firmware with assistant 2. Thank you all guy for the moment the Mini 1 is percft to me because it's a drone for fun and not for work. Mini 4 is also for entertainment, for professional work you need to consider Mavic 3 2024-10-3 Use props ...
I am using you latest software installed with assistant 2. Please advise me for fixing this annoying issue Hi there, thank you for reaching out. May we confirm if you're able to back up everything before formatting it? It is important to store and create backups of your data to prevent...
There are some serious things inside home assistant, like doors, alarm systems, and this prank has shown that everybody with a github account, can fuck with your system. i think this prank has done some serious harm to home assistant... 👍 4 lmagyar, ChumpMunky, willscottuk, and pedo...
Demo地址:https://home-assistant-lovelace-gallery.netlify.com/# 点击左上角的Show config就可以看相...
Home Assistant 0.117.1 一直报错。。 Error: Custom element not found: hf_weather-card #14 资源...
You can get it by connecting the Mini 2 to your computer, launching the DJI Assistant 2, choosing "Log Export" and then clicking "Save to local". The final exported data are ".dat" files. You can upload it to Google Drive and then send us the link. We appreciate your patience. ...