- /local/card-mod.js 粘贴进去如图 登录/注册后可看大图 2.使用方法 需要在卡片编辑中,使用卡片的...
mushroom主题、card-mod、vertical stack in card、thermal comfort计算体感温度和绝对湿度。 参考代码如下: type:custom:vertical-stack-in-cardcards:-type:custom:mushroom-climate-cardentity:climate.ke_ting_wen_konghvac_modes:-heat-cool-fan_onlyshow_temperature_control:truelayout:horizontalfill_container:false...
[UI界面] button_card制作净化器、浴霸、水暖毯界面(2024-09-12更新) ...23456..25 消逝 2024-9-10 24114196 Gluvyi 4 分钟前 [UI界面] 彩平图户型图制作教程 ...23456..58 消逝 2024-6-30 57736750 15584111155 8 分钟前 [UI界面] HA彩平图UI分享(2025-02-18更新,适配官方集成) ...23456..160...
graph-card (of course this card must be installed on your home assistant installation). In probably all cases you want to use this feature the card won't be displayed really nice in the tile so you can use thecardStyleto overwrite the CSS of the loaded card an change it to look ...
Home Assistant has several installation methods; each has advantages and disadvantages. Many people have different opinions and personal favorites. Important to know that there is no wrong or right here; each technique installs the SAME Home Assistant. ...
Home Assistant 0.97.x compatible Lovelace setup. My current Home Assistant install (current running version 0.97.2) This is my entirely new release with so much changes that you should read up if you already use parts from my setup! If you are new to this please continue to the introduction...
Home Assistant has several installation methods; each has advantages and disadvantages. Many people have different opinions and personal favorites. Important to know that there is no wrong or right here; each technique installs the SAME Home Assistant. Home Assistant recommends the Home Assistant OS ...
Installing the Raspberry Pi Monitor Card These next steps require you to have HACS installed on your Home Assistant. Without it, you won’t be able to install the necessary software. However, you can still display the data using Home Assistants graphs and tables. 18. Navigate to the HACS ta...
Add AOMEI Partition Assistant and Backupper please. Reply Dan T on February 18, 2019 at 7:50 am May want to review IZarc at https://www.izarc.org/ Been using it for years, and always worked without any issues. However, there is no updater that I know of than to return to the...
43. Become a Virtual AssistantBusiness owners are often busy and need a little help to crush their goals. By becoming a virtual assistant, you help a fellow business owner with admin tasks such as social media management, answering emails, and sending invoices....