Gas﹑hase chemical ionization of 4゛lkyl‐branched chain carboxylic acids and 3﹎ethylindole using H3O+, NO+, and O2+ ionsRationale: 4-methyloctanoic acid, 4-ethyloctanoic acid, 4-methylnonanoic acid, and 3-methylindole are primary contributors to the distinctive aroma and flavor of lamb meat...
1、 第八章第八章 羧酸及其衍生物羧酸及其衍生物 (carboxylic acid and carboxylic acid derivative)目的要求:目的要求:掌握羧酸及其衍生物的结构特点与命名;掌握羧酸及其衍生物的结构特点与命名; 熟悉羧酸及其衍生物的化学性质。熟悉羧酸及其衍生物的化学性质。第一节第一节 羧酸羧酸一、羧酸的结构与命名一、羧酸的...
1.羧酸的结构:羧酸的结构:羧酸的结构 pm .(Ar)R.O..CO (Ar)R 136 O123pmC..OH H 2.羧酸的命名羧酸的命名:CH3CH=CHCOOH2-丁烯酸丁烯酸(巴豆酸)巴豆酸)CH3CHCH2CH2COOH4-溴戊酸Br (γ-溴代戊酸)溴代戊酸)HCC COOH 反丁烯二酸(延胡索酸)延胡索酸)CH2COOHCH2COOH 丁二酸(琥珀酸)琥珀酸...
CHAPTER 11 CARBOXYLIC ACID Chapter11CarboxylicAcidandSubstitutedCarboxylicAcid CarboxylGroup:R-COOH (H3C)2HCH2CCH3CHCOOH 布洛芬抗炎镇痛药 COOHOCOCH3 阿司匹林解热镇痛药 I、ClassificationandNomenclature Classification 结构AliphaticSaturatedAromaticUnsaturated 数目:一、二元(mono/dicarboxylicacid)、多元(poly-)取代...
1 CHAPTER10 CarboxylicAcidsandDerivatives Carboxylicacid C O OHR C O XR C O OR C R' C O OR'R C O NH 2 R O RCN AcidhalideAcidanhydrideEsterAmideNitrile 2 10.1SpectroscopyofCarboxylAcidsandDerivatives 10.1.1 1 H-NMR C O OHRH 2 C >10ppm,verybroadpeak 2-3ppm C O NH 2 R C O ...
1Chapter 16 Amines and AmidesAmines2AminesAmines Are derivatives of ammonia NH3. Contain N attached to one or more alkyl or arom..
In a 100 mL two-necked round bottom, the fatty acid (0.02 moL) and alcohol (0.1 moL, 5:1 alcohol:acid ratio) were added, and the oil bath was heated to 100 ◦C and the stirring set to 200 rpm. Upon complete melting of the acid, 1 mL of concentrated H2SO4 (concentrated at ...
SynonymsOxoethanoic acid Molecular FormulaC2H3O4 Molecular Weight92.05 CAS Number563-96-2 Properties AppearanceWhite powder Melting Point48-52°C Solubilitycan be dissolved with water, slightly soluble in ethanol, aether, insoluble in esters, aromatic solvents. ...
( Nomenclature, Structure, Physical and spectrum properties of acid derivatives) 14.1.1 羧酸衍生物的命名 1. 酰卤(RCOX,acyl halide): RCOX,从结构上看是羧酸与 HX 形成的酸酐,以酰基的卤化物命名,称某酰卤。如: CH3COCl CH3CH2CHCOBr PhCOCl O Br CCl 1 有机化学电子教案 第十四章 羧酸...
When the silver salt of a carboxylic acid is ignited, the following steps occur:1. Formation of Silver Salt: Initially, we have a silver salt of a carboxylic acid. For example, let's consider silver acetate (AgC2H3O2).2.