Carbon K-edge X-ray spectroscopy has been applied to the study of a wide range of organic samples, from polymers and coals to interstellar dust particles. Identification of carbonaceous materials within these samples is accomplished by the pattern of resonances in the 280–320 eV energy region...
The carbon K-edge absorption spectra of microcyrstalline C 70 have been measured using 270–330 eV synchrotron radiation and compared with that of a previously reported microcrystalline C 60 . The differences in the cage structure between the C 70 and C 60 fullerenes are clearly reflected in th...
The carbon K-edge X-ray absorption spectra of ethylene and acetylene adsorbed on a Ni(111) surface at 300 K exhibit C(1s) to π * and σ shape-resonance transitions. The polarization dependence of the π * and σ resonances and their energies are used to infer that the adsorbed species...
测试结果显示,X1 Carbon 2024在P3色域下的色差平均ΔE1.02、最大ΔE3.48,sRGB下平均ΔE1.03、最大ΔE3.35,表现看起来都非常不错。 但必须要指出的是,以上优秀的色准表现,仅存在于支持读取ICC中颜色信息的软件(如Edge浏览器、Photoshop)中。 X1 Carbon 2024上并不配备色域切换功能,也没有利用Windows 11的ACM(高...
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微星MPG Z390 GAMING PRO CARBON AC暗黑板主板的CPU超频能力不算出众,不过也能超频到5GHz正常游戏以及日常使用都没有太大问题,但是由于电压稍高,烤机测试时i9-9900K的温度会急剧上升导致系统蓝屏。不过在内存超频方面,微星则是独树一帜,在使用影驰HOF II DDR4 4000MHz超频时,可以在XMP默认时序下将频率超至4...
We studied attosecond pulse generation in the carbon K-edge region with generalized double optical gating, which provides a temporal gate for a near-infrared driving laser in high harmonic generation. Since the technique selectively generates the harmonics from the peak of driving laser field, the ...
The sigma formula says that we sum Drr*Apa*(C-Cnf) + Grr*Apa*(C-Csf)for eachi, j and k -- that is,for each cellidentifiedby eachi,j,k in Drr, Apa and Grr andby eachcorresponding i in C and Csf. But you only provide only one value of each in columns B:D, to namely: ...
C K-edge X-ray absorption near-edge structure of the carbon nanotubes was measured by monitoring the total electron yield from the sample. The spectrum shows similar features to those of graphite except the feature between the lowest anti-bonding π and σ bands called the interlayer band.关键...
MPG Z390 Gaming Edge/刀锋板主板 MPG Z390 Gaming Plus MAG Z390 Tomahawk/战斧导弹主板 MSI MPG Z390 GAMING PRO CARBON体验: 继续聊第一部分的主题:这次的新主板 ▼ 按照惯例 MPG Z390 CARBON会有AC(无线网卡)版,两者差价换一块英特尔千兆无线网卡和接收器,我觉得值。