A carbon footprint refers to a subset of Life-Cycle Assessments focused on long-lived greenhouse gases, measured using a 100-year global warming potential. AI generated definition based on: Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 2010 ...
that could have claimed to measure a ‘carbon footprint’ have been published over decades. This report explores the apparent discrepancy between public and academic use of the term ‘carbon footprint’ and suggests a scientific definition based on commonly accepted accounting principles and model...
Define carbon footprint. carbon footprint synonyms, carbon footprint pronunciation, carbon footprint translation, English dictionary definition of carbon footprint. n. The amount of carbon-containing greenhouse gases released into the environment by an a
The meaning of CARBON FOOTPRINT is the amount of greenhouse gases and specifically carbon dioxide emitted by something (such as a person's activities or a product's manufacture and transport) during a given period.
CarbonFootprint:Definition&Facts Youknowyouleaveafootprintwhenyouwalkaroundwithwetfoot.(1)___.Thislessonwillteachyouwhatacarbonfootprintis,whatcausescarbonfootprints,andwhatyoucandotoreduceyourcarbonfootprint.Whatisacarbonfootprint?(2)___.Mostscientistsbelievethatcarbondioxideandothergaseslikeitarecontributing...
Carbon Footprint: Definition & Facts You know you leave footprints when you walk around with wet feet or when you step in the mud on a soggy day, but what is a carbon footprint?1 B , and what causes carbon footprints.Learning this will help reduce your carbon footprint.What Is A Carb...
carbon footprint: The amount of carbon-containing greenhouse gases released into the environment by an activity, process, individual, or group, expressed usually as the equivalent in kilograms of carbon dioxide.
Definition of a Carbon Footprint Carbon footprint is a term that represents the amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4) released into the atmosphere as a result of the activities and choices of a person, group, or business. Those actions include the processes used to make the good...
Carbon Footprint: Definition & FactsYou know you leave a footprint when you walk around with wet feet or when youstep in the mud on a soggy day, but what is a carbon footprint? This lesson wil teachyou what a carbon footprint is, what causes carbon footprints, and what you can do ...
A definition of the carbon footprint is:‘a measure of the exclusive total amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions that is directly or indirectly caused by an activity or is accumulated over the life stages of a product’ [6]. Carbon dioxide is an important anthropogenic contributor to the...