(Chemistry) a black silky thread of pure carbon made by heating and stretching textile fibres and used because of its lightness and strength at high temperatures for reinforcing resins, ceramics, and metals, esp in turbine blades and for fishing rods ...
(Chemistry) a black silky thread of pure carbon made by heating and stretching textile fibres and used because of its lightness and strength at high temperatures for reinforcing resins, ceramics, and metals, esp in turbine blades and for fishing rods Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unab...
A/The carbon footprint generated by... Article against the normal carbon content Agranular/Polygranular carbon an essay I wrote of carbon emissions As well as absorbing carbon dioxide and... Burning fossil fuels causes pollution releases carbon ...
SUSTAINABLE chemistryECOLOGICAL impactGREEN technologyPETROLEUM chemicalsAPPROPRIATE technologyCARBON emissionsSUSTAINABLE developmentChemical ways of utilising carbon dioxide in the oil and chemical industries to reduce CO2 emissions and the carbon footprint of the products at various stages of their life, both...
(2007). A definition of carbon footprint. ISAUK Research Report 07-01, Durham, ISAUK Research & Consulting. WRI/WBCSD (2004). The greenhouse gas protocol: A corporate accounting and reporting standard revised edition. Geneva: World Business Council for Sustainable Development and World Resource ...
(Silva Lora et al., 2011). Here, LCEB analyzes the way energy is used to produce bioethanol with a relevant impact on the carbon footprint. LCA and IEA both analyze and forecast the future environmental state if the system was continued, and it was confirmed to have almost 6-fold ...
Chemistry Earth and Planetary Sciences Medicine and DentistryDiscover other topics On this page Definition Chapters and Articles Related Terms Recommended Publications Featured Authors Chapters and Articles You might find these chapters and articles relevant to this topic. Review article Microbial carbon metab...
7.2.14. Concrete carbon footprint of key CO₂ U companies 7.2.15. Key takeaways in CO₂ -derived building materials 7.2.16. Key takeaways in CO₂ -derived building materials (ii) 7.2.17. Key takeaways in CO₂ -derived building materials (iii) 7.3. CO₂ -derived chemicals and...
Keywords: biobased;sustainability;carbon footprint;biomass;bio-attributed;greenhouse gas;mass balance approach
After obtaining the energy consumption data of each link in the supply chain of different products, the carbon footprint of each product can be obtained by this tool. Other researchers focus on and measure the carbon footprint of the supply chain, such as Cholette and Venkat (2009) [54], ...