解释carbohydrate-binding module family 43是什么: CBM43(carbohydrate-binding module family 43)是属于碳水化合物结合模块(Carbohydrate-Binding Modules, CBMs)家族的一个成员。CBMs是一类在生物体内广泛存在的蛋白质结构域,它们能够特异性地识别和结合糖类分子。CBM43作为其中的一种,具有独特的结构特征和生物学功能,在...
Carbohydrate-binding modules targeting branched polysaccharides: overcoming side-chain recalcitrance in a non-catalytic approachCarbohydrate-binding moduleProtein structureProtein-carbohydrate recognitionCBM fusionHemicelluloseSide-chain recalcitranceLignocellulose conversion...
Carbohydrate-BindingModules:FineTuningPolysaccharideRecognition AlisdairB.Boraston* ,1 ,DavidN.Bolam 2 ,HarryJ.Gilbert 2 ,GideonJ.Davies 3 . 1 Biochemistry&Microbiology,UniversityofVictoria,POBox3055STNCSC,Victoria,BC, V8W3P6,Canada. 2 DepartmentofBiologicalandNutritionalSciences,UniversityofNewcastleuponTyne...
Carbohydrate-binding modules(CBMs) are structural elements in carbohydrate-related proteins, and are involved in the binding and recognition of their target carbohydrates[60]. Sequence data for CBMs have been accumulated and classified into 81 families based on sequence similarities (http://www.cazy...
These carbohydrate-binding modules (CBMs) are globular domains with aromatic surface residues that enable tight binding to crystalline polysaccharides. From: Direct Microbial Conversion of Biomass to Advanced Biofuels, 2015 About this pageSet alert Also in subject area: Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular...
The present invention relates to non-catalytic carbohydrate-binding modules (CBM) belonging to a new family of CBM's. A CBM of the invention was found attached to a glycosyl hydrolase family 61 (GH61) polypeptide and was shown to have little homology with known CBM's indicating that it is...
gave scientific advice regarding carbohydrate-binding modules and provided the gene string coding for CBM3a. E.D., G.S and H.K. supervised the work and gave scientific advice. A.E. wrote the manuscript. All authors reviewed the manuscript. Corresponding authors Correspondence to Harald Kolmar ...
Atpresent,69familiesofcarbohydrate-bindingmodules (CBMs)havebeenisolatedbystatisticallysignificantdif- ferencesintheaminoacidsequences(primarystructures) oftheirmembers,withmostmembersofdifferentfamilies showinglittleifanyhomology.Ontheotherhand,mem- bersofthesamefamilyhaveprimaryandtertiary(three- ...
In order to overcome these problems, many of the glycoside hydrolases that utilize insoluble substrates are modular, comprising catalytic modules appended to one or more non-catalytic CBMs (carbohydrate-binding modules). CBMs promote the association of the enzyme with the substrate. In view of the ...
From: Carbohydrate-binding modules (CBMs) revisited: reduced amount of water counterbalances the need for CBMs GH family Amino acid sequences containing CBMa Amino acid sequences without CBMa Reference entry All (Complete b ) All (Complete b ) http://pfam.sanger.ac.uk/family/ c 7 94 (89...