CAR-NK,全称为“嵌合抗原受体自然杀伤细胞”(Chimeric Antigen Receptor-Natural Killer Cells),听名字可能有点拗口,翻译过来就是“带着GPS导航的免疫杀手”。这是一种经过基因改造的NK细胞,它们被赋予了精准找到并摧毁癌细胞的能力,简直像古代游侠“路见不平拔刀相助”一般果断。相比于传统的CAR-T疗法,这些“...
参考资料 [1]Zhang L,et al.CAR-NK cells for acute myeloid leukemia immunotherapy: past, present and future. Am J Cancer Res. 2023 Nov 15;13(11):5559-5576. [2]Liu E,et al.Use of CAR-transduced natural killer cells in CD19-positive ...
参考资料 [1]Marin D,et al.Safety,efficacy and determinants of response of allogeneic CD19-specific CAR-NK cells in CD19+B cell tumors: a phase 1/2 trial. Nat Med. 2024 Mar;30(3):772-784. https://www.nature....
参考资料 [1]Marin D,et al.Safety,efficacy and determinants of response of allogeneic CD19-specific CAR-NK cells in CD19+ B cell tumors:a phase 1/2 trial[J].Nature Medicine,2024: 1-13.
[1]Marin D,et al.Safety,efficacy and determinants of response of allogeneic CD19-specific CAR-NK cells in CD19+B cell tumors: a phase 1/2 trial. Nat Med. 2024 Mar;30(3):772-784. [2]Sauter C S,et al.A Phase 1 Study of NKX...
NK cells and cancer: you can teachinnate cells new tricks. Nat Rev Cancer 15;16:7-19. (来源: 肿瘤资讯/Riesling 2016/01/05) 和T细胞一样,NK细胞在抗肿瘤免疫中发挥着重要的作用,和T细胞不同的是,NK细胞在治疗肿瘤时无诱导移植物抗宿主疾病(GVHD)的风险。为了进一步提高NK细胞对顽固肿瘤细胞的杀伤...
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1. Safety, efficacy and determinants of response of allogeneic CD19-specific CAR-NK cells in CD19+ B cell tumors: a phase 1/2 trial | Nature Medicine 2. Natural killer cell therapies | Nature 3. CAR-NK cells: A promising cellular immunotherapy for cancer - eBioMedicine (
【2】Yuan J , Wang F , Ren H . Intrathecal CAR-NK cells infusion for isolated CNS relapse after allogeneic stem cell transplantation: case report[J]. Stem Cell Research & Therapy, 2023, 14(1).新闻线索报料通道:应用市场下载“齐鲁壹点”APP,或搜索微信小程序“齐鲁壹点”,全省600位记者在线...
参考文献: 1. Chimeric antigen receptornatural killer (CAR-NK) cell design and engineering for cancer therapy. JHematol Oncol. 2021; 14: 73. 2. Natural Born Killers: NK Cells in Cancer Therapy. Cancers (Basel). 2020 Jul 31;12(8):2131...