[4] Fabian Mueller MD, Jule Taubmann MD. et al. CD19-Targeted CAR-T Cells in Refractory Systemic Autoimmune Diseases: A Monocentric Experience from the First Fifteen Patients. Volume 142, Supplement 1, 2 November 2023, Page 220 [5] P...
Clinical experience of CAR T cell therapy in lymphomas.Olalekan O. Oluwole
以CAR-T疗法为代表的细胞免疫疗法的出现,为肿瘤患者带来了新的希望,得益于CAR-T疗法,让很多难治性、复发性血液系统恶性肿瘤获得了持续缓解,甚至存在“临床治愈”的希望。 截至2023年,ClinicalTrials.gov数据显示,全球免疫细胞治疗的临床研究...
此外,上皮细胞与成纤维细胞间的相互作用同样显著增强,相反,T细胞与巨噬细胞/单核细胞间的相互作用则明显减弱,这一发现尚未在以往文献中得以报道,这为我们理解CAR-T疗法在实体瘤中的疗效差异提供了新的视角。 总之,本研究动态收集了接受CAR-T细胞治疗的胃癌患者的血液和腹水样本,使用单细胞转录组测序技术分析了CAR-T...
[4] Xu Y, Xiang Z, Alnaggar M, et al. Allogeneic Vγ9Vδ2 T-cell immunotherapy exhibits promising clinical safety and prolongs the survival of patients with late-stage lung or liver cancer. Cell Mol Immunol. 2021;18(2):427-439.[5] Lo Presti E, Pizzolato G, Corsale AM, et al. ...
近日,陆道培医院陆佩华院长作为第一作者和通讯作者,在国际血液学权威期刊 Blood(IF = 21)在线发表了题为「Nanobody-based Naturally Selected CD7-Targeted Chimeric Antigen Receptor T Cell Therapy for Acute Myeloid Leukemia」的研究论文。该研究成果标志着急性髓系白血病(AML)治疗领域又迎重大突破。
CAR-T cell therapies for blood cancers and solid tumors are being developed by our own significant internal R&D team, based on our comprehensive experience in gene editing, cell therapy and immunotherapy. Advanced, Clinical Stage CAR-T Platform IND cleared by U.S. FDA for ICTCAR014 — IRB-...
巨噬细胞具有出色的吞噬活性和抗原呈递能力,CAR - M 疗法不仅可以直接杀伤肿瘤细胞,还能分泌促炎细胞因子并向 T 细胞呈递肿瘤抗原,激活适应性免疫反应,且其循环时间较短,非肿瘤毒性较低,在实体瘤治疗方面展现出潜力。不过,CAR - M 在血液恶性肿瘤治疗中的应用潜力仍有待深入探索。
CAR T cell therapy; however, this regimen has low efficacy for cancers of the digestive system13. Thus, this regimen may not effectively improve the tumor microenvironment and help the infiltration and function of CAR T cells in solid tumors. Preclinical and clinical studies have shown that nab...
近日,来自美国希望之城国家医疗中心血液学与造血细胞移植科的Jianhua Yu与Michael A. Caligiuri共同在Cell Stem Cell期刊发表题为Human anti-PSCA CAR macrophages possess potent antitumor activity against pancreatic cancer(人类抗PSCA CAR...